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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

About Our Donation Button

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While visitors are welcome to browse our forums and registered members are free to use all the features of our site, you will notice a Donate button at the top of every page, which gives everyone who comes here an opportunity to contribute toward its ongoing support. Members and visitors can donate as much (or as little) as they can afford, and as often (or as seldom) as they choose, either all at once or over an extended period of time (that is, a recurring amount automatically deducted from a credit card each month). Donations are accepted via PayPal, credit card or bank account (where available). The Donate button is located at the top of every page

We are proud of the fact that, since it was launched in May of 2003, our Grief Healing Discussion Groups site has been advertisement-free and open to everyone, members and visitors alike, at no cost, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offering the information, comfort and support we believe you need and deserve as you each find your way through your individual grief journeys.

Unlike other self-help forums for the bereaved, our site is privately administered, closely monitored and professionally moderated to ensure the highest level of quality, safety and security for our participants. Every post is reviewed and read by our moderator: a nationally certified grief counselor who visits the site several times a day, and who feels a deep personal and professional responsibility to monitor our site in a way that encourages understanding, growth and healing.

Our site has been described by the caregivers and bereaved who come here as a lifeline ~ a safe place to land when you need to be with others who “get it” and who understand. We know from your unsolicited comments and continued active participation that this is an important and valued service.

Still, it costs money to sustain this service, and many hours a month to administer and moderate the site. We are deeply grateful to our regular donors and to all those who have contributed, but we think you should know that it is the same half-dozen people who continue to give. Some members have donated far more than their fair share, and they’ve done so more than once.  Grateful as we are for their loyalty and support, we hope you will agree that it’s not fair that so few of our members have been carrying the weight for so many, who clearly have derived some benefit from our service.

For this reason, we are asking for your consideration. If you donated some time ago, would you consider doing so again? And if you’ve never done so, would you consider making a contribution of $20 or more? You can rest assured that your gift will be used directly to fund this service and to keep it going.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Marty Tousley 



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