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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

New Look To The Forum


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Really like the new look. YouTube video set up is great. Thanks for all the hard work that went into this. Information seems to be more organized. Thank you, thank you Marty and Ron. Anne

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I agree, Enna. The forum looks great. But I didn't have anything to do with it. It's all Marty's doing as far as I know. I really like the blue theme. - Ron B.

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Unfortunately I cannot take credit for the new look either. We really had no choice, since the software provider of our message board (Invision Power Board) notified us two days ago that we were at risk of being infected by malware and needed to upgrade the site immediately in order to install their latest security patch. (If it seems as if I understand what I'm talking about, please don't be fooled. It is purely coincidental :blink: )

In any event, I want all of you to know that we're still headed for another major change, as soon as Hospice of the Valley is ready to migrate this site over to hov.org. Developers are now in the process of designing the software for HOV so that we will have complete administrative control over our forums ~ but it's taking longer than expected, and my latest information is that the transfer won't take place until after the first of the new year, at the earliest.

Please make sure that you read the Archiving Your Posts Announcement that appears at the top of each and every forum on our present site, since that information still applies. (In order to capture all the posts since December of 2011, our plan is to repeat the archiving process one more time ~ but that will not happen again until we know exactly when the switch will take place.)

Needless to say, I will keep everyone informed in advance of these changes, and certainly if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, I'll do my best to address them here.

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