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January Wings Eletter Feedback Request from Nan Zastrow


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This just in from Nan Zastrow:
I'm preparing my content for my January eLetter and I'd love to hear from you. (including permission to print with your first name/city) What do you think?
What gave you the strength, faith, or courage to heal your grief after loss?
Almost everyone who has loved and lived well after the death of a precious loved one has a story to tell that explains what gave them the desire to move forward. This may take different forms of motivation including the power of faith, a gift of angels or “signs”, a wish to champion a cause, or a desire to help others through some difficulty in life. What is your story?

--Please limit your story to a paragraph or two. 

Nan & Gary Zastrow
Visit Wings on FACEBOOK  website:  wingsgrief.org 
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