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Lost my Dear Little Prince on Sunday


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First, I'm grateful to have found this forum during this difficult time. It's brought me a little comfort, reading your stories and replies.

My little toy poodle cross died unexpectedly at home from sudden heart failure. My 14 year old stepdaughter and 5 year old daughter were home as well. He may have been 12, he was a rescue so I can't be sure. I took him home 8.5 years ago, with my husband at the time. He's been my constant companion and best friend since. I have a 14 year old cat whom I have been allowing in my bedroom every night since. 

I find little comforts here and there, but this is incredibly hard. I literally didn't move on Monday until early evening when my brother came to help me bring him in to be cremated.

He was the most loving, loyal guy I could have ever been blessed with. I may add to this post or be sure to make a photo book and write all about his life and sweet antics when I'm ready. Positive thoughts and courage to all of you who have lost a precious fur baby.

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I'm pleased that you've found us, but so sorry that your little toy poodle's death is the reason, my dear. Do allow yourself to mourn this loss, and when you are ready, we'd love to read some of those stories and see a picture or two of your loving, loyal little guy. ❤️

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I am so sorry about your prince.  I, too want to write stories about Kitty, whom I lost 1 1/2 weeks ago.  We would love to read your stories when you are ready.

I know of nothing harder than to lose our precious dog, losing Arlie just about killed me.  Esp. when they are your companion and best friend, your family, as mine was.  I'm glad you have your brother to help you, it's something you shouldn't have to go through alone.  My son took the day off work and took us to the vet to have Arlie euthanized and to bring him home and bury him...I couldn't have done it without him.  I went home with him for the weekend.  Just terribly hard no matter how it happens.  It takes much time to process and begin the healing.  It's okay to cry, okay to talk to him.

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Thank you so much, Marty and Kay for your responses. I'm now definitely going to tell my good boy's tale! I'm deeply sorry for your losses. I'm a single parent of a 5 year old girl and have felt much more lonely since my Prince's passing. I do have my cat Misty, but I've never felt closer than I have to my dog. I wish you much love and comfort with your new fur babies who will never be replaced but forever remembered. 

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@Prince#1  I felt that way about my Arlie (My husband passed years ago and my kids don't live nearby)...I've lost both Arlie and Kitty and it's hard to believe that my "family" is gone now.  My son brought me a pup for early Christmas present so thankfully I'm not alone but one never replaces that old relationship, instead it takes time to build a new relationship.  I love him immensely but still grieve my Arlie.  I totally get how you must be feeling.  (((hugs)))  I look forward to your stories.  I've made a list of what I want to write about for Kitty but haven't started writing yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I attempted to have a Celebration of Prince's Life today and planned on reading my other post today, but I just couldn't. His old friend/rival pug came with a friend, along with my close family who lives nearby. I set out a photo collage of him, & a beautiful drawing from my 14 year old stepdaughter. I did talk about him a little and was mostly happy. I still feel that void and heartache. I'm depressed. I know life goes on and it's hard right now. I know time will heal although I don't think it ever can do so completely. He'll always hold a special place in my heart. 

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Your pictures are sweet and I love the drawing of him as an angel.  That is very sweet of your stepdaughter!  I'm glad you had people there with you to celebrate his life...I'm alone so no one to do that with but  I celebrate Arlie's life inside of me every day.

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