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Invitation to participate in a survey on bereavement


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Invitation to participate in a survey on bereavement 

Our names are Claire White, Courtney Applewhite, and Ryan McKay. We are research psychologists at Royal Holloway, University of London and California State University, Northridge, and are carrying out a study on factors that affect adjustment to bereavement. One outcome of the study will be to inform bereavement practitioners and the public. To do this, we need the help of volunteers who are at least 18 years old and who have experienced the death of a loved-one within the past 24 months to complete an online questionnaire about their experiences. Religious diversity is encouraged. 

Should you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out an online survey, accessed via an invitation link, which will include questions about the death of your loved-one, the circumstances of your loved-one’s death and your reaction to it. We appreciate that these questions are extremely sensitive and personal and that completing the survey may bring up difficult emotions. 

If you decide to take part you can omit any questions you do not wish to answer and may withdraw at any time, without having to give a reason, by pressing the exit button. 

The survey should take around 45 mins to complete. Your survey responses will be identified by alphanumeric code and will not be connected to your name or other identifying information. In other words, the survey is anonymous.

The study has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Royal Holloway, London REC ProjectID: 893.

You can participate in the study by clicking on this link or copying it:

Bereavement Survey (Links to an external site.)

Please contact Claire White if you have any further questions:

Claire White: Email: Claire.white@csun.eduTel: 818-677-5640

We would very much appreciate your participation because it will help us to further understand this sensitive but important area of research.

Thank you for considering participating in the study,

Claire White, Courtney Applewhite, and Ryan McKay

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  • 6 months later...

There will be others.  I passed it up as they wanted those fresher in it and my sister's death had just happened, TOO fresh.

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