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I have 2 boys and are your age Lorikelly . but as you say icant go on for any one for the moment and yes greece is beautiful .I was seeing adoctor but was not what i needed She kept telling me that people have to face harder problems and they go throu them Im seeing a new one today WILLIAM |m taking meds sothat ican sleep Panic attacks are coming during the day I had never in the past this problems .My life was happy and complete I lost yianni and everything that ment life for me his love afection protection his wisdo m .HE was my first and only love. THANK YOU ALL> TENY


I hope this new doctor can help you. please keep looking til you find one. i was having severe panic attacks, my legs would shake uncontrobaly. they were awful never had them to my mom passed. the meds have helped with them, i never want to feel them again. how are your boys? does your family give support? please keep writing we are here for you. lori



I hate to say it, but I think you had a docotr that doesn't know what she's talking about and she tried to minimize your feelings instead of validating them, which is what you need. I am glad you are trying someone else. I had a bad experience with a counselor, but thankfully, I don't think most of them are like that...I live in a very small isolated town so there was no other counselor for me to try. This site has helped me tremendously though, these people are amazing. Keep trying, you will get through this.



Sharing your great sadness with others who have experienced something similar is so helpful. Having someone listen to you, validates what you are feeling. You have shared your sadness with all on this forum. That takes great strength and courage.

We are listening.

Keep sharing what is in your heart.

We will be here to support you on your journey through this wilderness. Know that you are not alone and that others do care.

Wishing you peace and comfort,

Mary Jo M.



I do understand where you are coming from with the panic attacks and a unpleasant experience with that doctor,for the life of me I cannot think what is

worse than the doctor thinks is nothing, good for you finding a better compassionate doctor that understands, I was also getting panic attacks the first month then it waned down, but its completely normal, you are facing many challenges and decisions, our spouses were our comfort. I give you a virtual hug, we all are here for you.


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