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Searching For Serenity

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Searching For Serenity

When I visited the cemetery yesterday I was reminded of one of Jean's favourite poems - "The Serenity Prayer". There is a framed copy still hanging on the bedroom wall on "her" side of the bed. There is also a ceramic plaque with the words on the rear of her gravestone.

It reads in part:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change."

With or without the answers to many of the "Why" questions I have asked about her death, there is not one darn thing I can do to change what happened in April 2005. I know that and am trying to accept it.

I have found much support and understanding at this site and appreciate the help that others offer with their kind words.

I hope that you can find, or already have found, the elusive serenity that I continue to seek.

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This is what we begin each grief support meeting with but I still have a hard time accepting it. I feel guilty sometimes when I as why me, why us? Why do I think I'm better than anybody else?

Hopefully some day that inner peace will come to us all

Mary Linda

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I have pretty much lived by the Serenity Prayer since June 2005...it so aptly describes what we need. Thank you for reminding all of us...

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