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De-stress Kit For The Changing Times


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De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times

Dear Ones,

In addition to the grief that brings us to this site, many of us are experiencing additional stresses of daily living, especially in these uncertain times. We all are mindful of the outgoing care and compassion we need, not only to cope with our own losses, but also to help ease the emotional pain that so many others are experiencing now. Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, a leading stress research institute, has written a free booklet, De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times that provides a few simple practices to help us intercept and manage stress during this period of challenge and uncertainty. The booklet is an effective tool, free for the asking, containing sensible suggestions that we all can use right now. I encourage you to take the time to read this informative booklet, and do what you can to put these simple ideas into practice.

Go to De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times, here: http://www.heartmath.com/personal-growth/d...ging-times.html

You can watch a clip about the booklet on YouTube, here:

Download the attached file (De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times in pdf format) by clicking on the link below.


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