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Update...so Much At Once

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I went to the dentist today and got good news...my teeth are shifting back and he filed off a bit in back of the one that was bothering me from the fall and replaced the cement that broke off in the fall, took an X-ray and thinks it'll all be okay without orthodontics. Yay!

Came home to a message that I have an interview tomorrow morning and someone else wants me to come in. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. My dog came down sick, he's out in his doghouse now, I feel so bad for him, hope he'll be okay, of course the vet only comes up on Wednesdays so we missed it this week. I don't know why he's sick but I'm worried about him and really miss having him in the house with me. So my sister will have to drive me to the valley again tomorrow cuz I still can't drive. I'm thinking of telling them I won't take less than my current wage and can't start for two weeks. My arm is absolutely killing me because I haven't been able to rest it, ice it, heat it or exercise it today. How would I work full time right now in the shape I'm in? But I can't turn anything down or I'll lose my unemployment benefits. The other place that called, I don't know how they got my info cuz I didn't apply with them, makes me a little leery.

Anyway, I'm so exhausted, will go lay down and hopefully can read tomorrow night or Friday. I hope and pray you are all well...

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Dear Kayc,

I'm so happy to hear that your teeth aren't going to need extensive work and cost, and good luck on the job. Maybe the second place got your name from a person that knew you were looking for a job. Good luck.

Sorry you're in so much pain.


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I am happy that your teeth are ok. Sorry to hear that your dog is sick. I have a little dog and she is always by me now, they do give comfort. I hope they will give you time for your arm to heal before going to work. Take care.


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Hope everything works out the way you need it with you job interview. I'm sorry to hear about your dog, it always worries me when mine aren't feeling well, you feel so helpless. I can't imagine how you are managing with your arm like it is. Thinking of you and will say a prayer, Deborah

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Well I went for the interview and felt it went better than I'd imagined and I find myself wishing I could get the job, but who knows, they have a lot of people trying for it, I should find out Tuesday. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's kind of hard not to, it'd be a stable job, only 44 miles away, lots to learn and a variety of tasks, I think I'd love the challenge. So I'm praying God will give me this one unless He has something else in mind.

Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers. I am seeing improvement in my arm but am exhausted and in frequent pain...probably doing too much, after all, they take a couple of months to heal IF they get adequate care.

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Dear Kay,

Hang in there we both will get, what we want soon. I can feel it coming for both of us. Just please do not over due and set yourself back. I am feeling better thanks to YOU, and Mary, and MartyT. Without you 3 I would have gone nuts.

Your Friend, God bless you


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I got an email from my boss saying I won't get paid for my May wages this Tuesday (let alone June), I was counting on that and he didn't give any notice that we wouldn't, it's going to be very hard. I haven't heard anything from that other job yet.

I have been very disappointed that my pastor did not let people know of my falls so they could pray, only a couple of people knew in spite of my having my sister call him to start the prayer chain. A lady in my church invited me to go with her to another church tomorrow (they'd invited all of the churches but our pastor hadn't announced it) and I'm going to go and get away and have a good time...they're having a country gospel concert and a barbeque, sounds good to me!

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You're really on a roller coaster here. No wages from your old job, but good prospects for a new one. Teeth okay, but sick dog. It must be hard to know how to feel. I'm inspired by your positive outlook in spite of it all - going to the barbecue and trying to have a little fun. That's probably exactly what you need right now.

Thinking of you...


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Kay, hope today is going better for you. I asked for prayer for you in church this morning, you have been through so much. Hope you are beginning to feel some relief from pain and some peace.

God bless you,


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Kayc, I hope you have a good time at the barbeque. I admire your tenacity....you just stick with things and do not give up in spite of all the odds you have faced. Peace, Mary

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Kayc, have not been on this forum in weeks, and did not know of all your recent problems. You have such a great outlook. Glad the teeth problem seems to be better, and very sorry about your dog. Hope things turn out well in the job situation, and it really is wrong that they did not let you know about the pay before now. (How can they not pay you, I thought you worked through the end of May) Have a good time today at the BBQ, and try to put all the problems out of your mind for a bit. Praying and keeping you in my thoughts.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Dear Kay,

I am so sorry for the string of traumas for you the last while. You have hade more than your share already...just so unfair! I am so sorry to learn that your dog is not feeling well....I do hope that he is ok? I am happy for you that the teeth issue got resolved. I admire you strength despite all you have been through and this I am going to make it attitude depsite it all. Your are a peaceful force not to be wreckoned with in my opinion.

I hold you in gentle thought and prayer dear Kay.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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