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Overwhelmed Here Too

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Hello everyone,

We've got new problems here at home. My eldest son and daughter-in-law moved to Norway recently so that he could get his Masters degree and she could work. Unfortunately, they have just received word from the Immigration office that her application for an immigration permit has been denied. This means we have to get a lawyer and hope that the lawyer can figure out some way she can stay in the country before she's thrown out in October.

It's so incredibly frustrating. She's been offered a job, my son has started his studies and they were getting off to a good start. My funds, as a widow, are running dry, and I don't know what to do. This is a huge headache and a very much unneeded problem on top of everything else. My son already postponed his postgraduate studies once - after his father died. Now he's threatening to do it again, and I'm trying to talk him into hanging in there. But I have no idea how to help them.

Anyway, life is pretty crappy right now and I'm really struggling to stay optimistic. If only my husband had been here. He may not have been able to do any more than I can - but at least there would be the two of us to help them - and to keep each other upbeat. As it is, I can't stop crying.


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Dear Melina,

I am so sorry to hear about the turmoil going in your life now. I understand how frustrating it can be without your husband with you. I have strong faith in the Lord. He has always been there, for Pauline and I. Now He is there, for me, along with Pauline's spirit around me all the time. Keep the faith and stay strong. You would be surprised how things that look so gloomy works out for the best in the end.

God Bless, Melina. I pray for you that the Loving Lord will, bring you and your son & wife, will give you the out come you are looking for. To bring you all peace in your hearts and souls. I sak this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


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Oh, my friend, I am so sorry. No one in your family needs another challenge...another mountain to climb and for you to climb with alone. I know that getting a lawyer and finding a way for her to stay in Norway is huge. I am sure they do not want to return to Canada, (I think that is where they were living). Immigration stuff is tough. I have friends here in a similar situation. I hope it unravels itself soon and with little expense. In the meantime, know I am thinking about you and sending those thoughts right straight to Norway. Please keep us updated. May you find a few peaceful moments today. Mary

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Melina, like Mary and Dwayne, I'm so sorry you have to go through more ordeal than you've already had. Life seems so unfair at times, and we'll all pray that your situation improves soon. Last thing any of us need is to have more issues causing grief to us and our families. I've always heard the Lord doesn't place any more burden on each of us than He knows we can handle. While I believe that, I also feel like for some of us, especially you right now, He gives us a lot more credit for strength than we truly have. We can only hope and pray that your Son and Daughter-In-Law get some good news soon. I'm not sure why she was denied, but maybe they'll change that status. I know it seems incredible that it takes so much of our resources when we do need legal help, and again that shouldn't be. We'll all pray for strength for you and your family, and that something changes so that your Son is able to continue his quest for his Masters. Keep sharing with your friends, and I do believe it will get better for you soon. Hang in there, Melina.

Earl C

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Melina, unless there's some egregious, super-valid reason for your daughter-in-law being denied, I have to hope that a lawyer can help. One informational visit to a good immigration lawyer won't be too costly and he/she should be able to at least point them in the right direction, depending on the reason she was denied. I strongly suggest they do that, but make sure they stay away from fly-by-night "immigration agents". A reputable Norwegian immigration lawyer is the only way to go. I'm rooting for you.



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I have to agree with Di's advice and Dwayne's prayer, and everyone else's words of comfort and encouragement. Is there a local official that could look into it for you? Not being from the same country, I don't know how things work there, but here we have representative's that can look into things and point us in the right direction.

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