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September 11, 2001

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I flipped on the news today as I was debating about attending a local BeatleFest, Beatle music and neighbors, all day at the General Store's backyard. It is cool and sunny...a major break. The TV news was filled with weather catastrophes as well as the 10th anniversary of the attack on September 11, 2001.

On Sept. 11, 2001 Bill and I were driving south along the St. John River in New Brunswick, Canada in our motor home. We were heading to the Bay of Fundy to see the popular 44+ foot tides that come in there. We pulled into a large empty parking lot ( we loved those big spaces as we were 56 feet long with the car in tow) because we spotted a little coffee house. When we went in, we found the place empty except for the owner and one customer who were glued to a very small black and white TV watching as a plane flew into the first World Trade Center tower. Shocked we stayed for a long time knowing our TV Dish would not pick up American TV if we returned to our RV. That night at our camp ground, Canadians came to our motor home inviting us to watch TV in their campers and reaching out to us as Americans.

But like so many, we were in shock. Shock is a familiar companion these days as it comes upon me frequently when I think of Bill being gone, see reminders and more. Though I have not given a lot of thought to the anniversary of this horrific and sad day in the past, I now relate to the women who lost their husbands, sons, daughters, fathers and friends that day. To the men who lost their wives, children and more that day. To fire fighters and so many more. So many on this board lost their spouses suddenly through accidents and heart attacks. Others of us had time to live with the approaching loss of our spouses. Though I fall into the latter group, my denial led to shock when Bill took his last breath. I had not dealt with his death in spite of the two of us talking about it often.

I remember so well our two years on the road in our motor home. It was a time of fun and much earned relaxation. Bill thrilled at driving this huge and lovely vehicle. I drove occasionally but really did not enjoy it (way too big for my comfort) so I became navigator. Together we moved around the continent for two years before we knew it was time to settle down (for various reasons).

I wonder if this anniversary of 9-11 has personal meaning to those on this board. I know we all remember where we were on that day just as I remember so clearly where I was when the Kennedy's and King were shot in the 60s. But with Bill gone...those memories of this horrific attack take on new meaning.


I still have to decide whether I want to stay home today (Labor Day), walk the dog, paint, pay bills OR join the 1,000 people who will be listening to Beatle music and attempting to carry on small talk as the music blasts loudly out over the yard. A quiet walk with Bentley, some time with my paints seems more like me...like what Bill and I would have chosen also....tough choices...that I more and more often make in honor of my own voice which usually tells me to...walk the dog, take a drive in the country, paint and let the bills go until tomorrow. I enjoy quieter events...lunch with friends, a classical music concert, a drive in the countryside....but staying alone on a holiday is sooooo tough. How I miss Bill today. How so many are grieving their losses this week...those on this board and those who lost people on 9-11 and more.

Peace, Mary mfh


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Mary, remember that day quite well. Mike and I were both at work, and he called me, saying that we needed to watch the news, and why. I remember my colleagues and I standing around a computer, in shock, watching the events unfold. And yes, horrific as it all was, and as sad as I felt, I doubt that I understood the shock and grief the survivors felt until I lost Mike.

I am lunching with my good friend Dana today, who lost her husband in April, 09. There is really nothing else I want to do today. My daughter is working. I do have a rehearsal tonight for a play that opens next weekend, so I will have something to do tonight. I have a small part, a nutty zanny neighbor, a part with which I can have fun.

I loved the picture of your motor home, and Bill. Mike and I always thought we would enjoy traveling around like that when we retired. I don't like to drive, so I know I won't do it alone. Just miss him so much, as I know you miss Bill.....just cannot think about all those days and years ahead, hurts too much.

Thinking of all of us who are grieving, hoping for peace.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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I remember that day so well too...I was fixing breakfast, it was about 7:00 am (PST) and my son came running in and told me to turn on the tv, that the twin towers had been hit. I was shocked! I watched the footage in horror. It was the month before George and I were getting married and we'd been in such bliss...such a stark contrast to what transpired across our country. The victims' families still continue in my prayers. 911 is also the birthday of my kids' friend Jorma who has passed away from failed liver, he was only 27 when he died...he left behind his twin brother. Jorma worked with me for a while at my last job and stayed with me for a bit after George died, it's hard to believe he's gone...so 911 has special meaning for me.

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Guest Nicholas

I also remember it, as it happened in the afternoon, London time, wasn't it just after 2pm in the afternoon, UK time? I was on another forum and someone posted that there had been a serious plane crash in the US and that the Twin Towers had been struck. I thought that they were talking rubbish and turned on the TV and the rest, as they say, is history.

It was a smiliar story for London's 7/7, though that I heard on the radio.


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I remember that day so well. Pauline had called me about 8:30 EDT at work. She could not see that morning. As I was almost home, I heard reports about a plane in one of the towers. When I came in the house I put the TV on and seen just how big it was, so I started recording on TIVO all day so when Pauline's sight came back see could see the live footage. Then 2 days later we found out one of Pauline's Nephews was in the Pentagon. He was not hurt, he was in the Air Force and, He was a code breaker. He had worked 48 hours in a row after the planes hit. On his way home he fell a sleep at the wheel and hit a tree and was killed instantly. 9/11 touched a lot of people with death. Today I can relate with all those people that lost their loved ones on a different level, than I had done at that time.

God Bless,


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