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Vietnam Vet

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I lost my brother on March 5 this year. He was only 64. He was in the Marine Corp and served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968

He suffered for 45 yrs. of PTSD. He died of cancer from the effects of agent orange..which the VA denies. My brother was my hero..

I stayed with him for 6 weeks before he died. I saw him waste away to nothing. He hated that his younger sister had to take care of

Him. He was a proud man. Hospice treated him with the dignity he deserved. I miss him every day...cry when I look at his picture. My

heart is broken.

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Dear One, your description of your beloved brother touches my heart ~ and what a loving sister you are to have taken such good care of him. Obviously you, too, treated him with the dignity he deserved. I just want to acknowledge your loss and tell you that I am so grateful for your brother's service to this country. He and veterans like him (and their family members) have made the ultimate sacrifice for all the rest of us, and I so honor that.

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