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Holiday Grief

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As Easter comes I just need to be able to say how much I miss my Dragon. He always loved the holidays and made such a big deal out of them..the food, being together. Maybe he did not have that so much growing up so he made sure he had those around him whom he loved. I miss him every single day. Some days it is much harder than others. I wish so much that he was here with us..enjoying yet another Easter holiday. It hurts so much to think of him being gone. I just wanted to post here and let him know how much he is missed. There will never be another Dragon. I miss him so.....


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My heart goes out to all of you who are in your first year especially as I remember how all of the "firsts without" were. My George, too, didn't have much growing up, there were 11 kids, he was second oldest, not much food or heat, moving every couple of months. Never things like presents and special holiday treats, so when we got married, he enjoyed and loved everything, from going out and cutting down our own Christmas tree to coloring Easter eggs. He was so much fun, like a kid in toyland. :) I am pretty much used to it by now (seven years this June) but it will never be the same again without him, I do know that, and he is always missed. Like your Dragon, there will never be another...

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