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"Sadness requires a sitting in the unknown, in the silence, in the empty spaces… and we who are so fast to fill our lives shudder at the thought of an empty space, a moment where we hear our own breath echo in the silence. But this is an opportunity to touch sadness, to turn it over in our hands, to feel the sharp edges, to see how it fits into our lives adding something even if we can't quite name what it is yet."


I just ordered her book The In Between


Sadness and grief suddenly bursts through the door of my being...and occasionally makes its exit just as quickly. Other times, it swoops in and stays front stage for days with tears gushing. Most times, it sits in my heart coloring my world and all I do. However it is present, my goal is to honor it for it is part of who I am and I know that some of it will always be there....sometimes bursting in the door almost knocking it over in its attempts to get my attention and other times tip toeing in and sitting quietly within my being as I go about my days. Again, it is a part of who I am and I don't run from it...I attempt to embrace and befriend it each day.

My thought as I journaled today.


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Mary I have enjoyed your thoughts today, although things have been happening in a positive way here, the sadness does catch me off guard when it comes for a visit, am trying to embrace it for I know it is also me now.......Today started well, until I went outside the Magnolia tree that I planted for Mike with some of his ashes, that was so young, exciting, beautifull, overnight has dropped to the ground........dont know what is wrong with it......it reminds me of our relationship so young, exciting and beautifull......and then gone (not sure why the font has changed on the computer). So sadness has come to visit again.......have been so excited about moving...and yet not sure I can leave this tree....Mike behind......Dave

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Zeeks, I am so sorry you are so sad and that it has last a long time. My post was about accepting and embracing my sadness.....which, for me, is healing in the end. I do not try to subdue it but rather embrace it, feel it, and let it go. I wonder if some grief counseling might be helpful for you. I found it helpful when Bill died and occasionally still return for a session or two. Sometimes having someone face to face walk through our grief with us is very healing. In the meantime, I hold you in the light and hope peace comes soon.


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Hi Dave, I am so sorry about the tree. Leaving it behind is tough. I know that it is a symbol for you....of Mike. You will always carry Mike in your heart...he will always be with you. Yes, sadness does grab us out of the blue...I think that will always happen but not with the gut wrenching pain of last year...except on occasion. Congratulations on leaving that job. Sorry I missed your call...I was with my friend training Bentley. Peace, Mary

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Maybe that is why the Magnolia tree has bowed to the ground, to let you be free to go.

Mary, what you write is truly poetic. I think of the sadness as almost contemplation, it is something we carry within us.

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Zeeks, I am so sorry you are so sad and that it has last a long time. My post was about accepting and embracing my sadness.....which, for me, is healing in the end. I do not try to subdue it but rather embrace it, feel it, and let it go. I wonder if some grief counseling might be helpful for you. I found it helpful when Bill died and occasionally still return for a session or two. Sometimes having someone face to face walk through our grief with us is very healing. In the meantime, I hold you in the light and hope peace comes soon.


Thank you, embracing is a kind way to look at things. This is something I shall surely try... thanks again.

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Maybe that is why the Magnolia tree has bowed to the ground, to let you be free to go.

Mary, what you write is truly poetic. I think of the sadness as almost contemplation, it is something we carry within us.


nice way to look at the tree bowing.

Thank you for the compliment on my writing. I do believe we need to embrace and feel ALL our feelings, the sorrow, the grief, the sadness, anger, joy, all of it...not necessarily dwell in any of them but to swallow them, suppress or ignore them does no good at all.



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