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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Returning To My Journal

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For Christmas in 2008, Celene bought me a journal. I picked it up today and read thru the entries over the years. I then picked up a pen and began to enter my current thoughts. I plan on writing in it as often as possible. I hope that my journal will help me keep track of the memories and moments I recall every day.

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I do the same..only I email Dragon. It is as though I am talking with him. HIs email is still up and running even though he is not there to actually read it. I have kept every email and it is just like having a journal. I don't know why but it helps me cope. I know at the start of my grief I wrote every day, however it has become less and less. The pain is still as intense however the need to write is not as great. I do believe that he is around me daily..like a guardian angel. I too see signs of him everywhere..music, sights, certain situations come to mind and his words come back to me. You can never lose what they have already given to you. I miss him more than I can ever say but the knowledge that his soul is ever present gives me tremendous comfort.


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I know how I enjoy finding notes, old letters, cards, text, and emails that Celene sent me. I wish she had kept a journal for me to reflect on. I know that our daughter Ciara will find plessure in having my journel to help her know how much love her mom and I shared. Hopefully she can share it with her children when I am no longer around to tell the stories myself.

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I've found that it helps to express myself in written form, whether here, a blog, letters to George, or whatever mode I use. The important thing is expressing ourselves, getting it out there.

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