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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Seven Years Ago Today

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Seven years ago today was the hardest day of my life. I didn't think it possible I'd survive, but I did, with a lot of help from this forum.

Today I wonder if George misses me as much as I miss him. I wonder what he's doing and if he's happy. I would give anything to have him back for just one moment. I will never feel complete again until we are joined together again and I can feel his arms around me at last...

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Dear Kay,

I am thinking of you on this anniversary day. I understand how it was the hardest day in your life. The day Bill died was the worst for me. Nothing worse can happen now. I really believe that Bill misses me but with different kind of awareness...I have to believe the same for George. Know that you have used this journey well as you continue to reach out to everyone here and I imagine many in your life. I wish you some moments of happy memories today.



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Thanks! My sister just exclaimed to me "he's dead!", like get over it! They don't understand we never get over it.

Another friend said she bet it seemed like yesterday.

My response:

Actually, it seems like a million years ago. It seems like a dream that I ever had him and he was real and he used to hold me and we used to sleep all tangled up in each other. (sigh) It seems like forever I've been struggling on my own, blustering through mistakes and decisions and trying to survive. And it feels like it'll be forever until he can hold me again. If ever I at last reach heaven and he puts his arm around me, I will know I am home at last.

Thanks for your encouragement. Sometimes I feel so alone. My kids are busy with their own lives and hardly know I exist. Life is hard sometimes, isn't it?!

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Oh Kay, I am so sorry your sister said that to you. It is just shocking. Obviously she has never been a part of another human being. I am glad your friend said something a little more meaningful. I understand those feelings, believe me. Thinking of you, Mary

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Dear Kay,

I know how you felt and are still feeling. I had those same feelings, emotions, all the turmoil, in the aftermath. We would give anything to have them back again even for just a few moments.

My heart breaks with yours today, knowing I am so far away, unable to give you a hug, to help you get though this day. You will be with George again. I will be sending you my thoughts tonight.

God Bless, Love,


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It's been a while since I have posted - but I wanted to check in and tell you - KayC - that I am nearly in the same time frame with you. You and I entered this path almost at the same time. I lost my Jack 7 years ago at the end of July 2005. Every time I see a post by you I think of our similar passage and time frame. Time lessens the rough edges but the strength of the love remains as strong as ever. As the old Jewsih saying goes, "The only truely dead, are those who have been forgotten." George and Jack will never meet the fate of being forgotten because of you - and me.

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Thank you, all of you.

John, you hit the nail right on the head...I feel a need to keep George's memory alive. It's not about moving on or being over it or not being over it...it's about remembering him and he deserved that memorial at least, he was the most caring person I ever met. I hope you are doing well, good to see you here.

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We are all here for you Kay. I want to thank you for sharing and you guidence. You are a Godsend, and I am sure that when you do get to heaven he will hold you in his arms forever!


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Sometime people are so insensitive, especially the ones that are supposedly our biggest support systems.

I am so sorry for your loss, and thank you for helping people like me with your wisedom.

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Although I am new to the group, know that my prayers and thoughts go out to you when I read your post. I hope I never hear someone tell me to get over it, depending on my state of mind, they may not have a pleasant memory to recall every time they here the words "get over it". :unsure:


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