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Scared I Might Have To Get Rid Of My Pets And Feeling So Depressed Abo

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I am not sure if it is ok to talk about this here...it is kind of about the loss of my husband and kind of not...mostly it is about how my life seems to be falling apart right now. I lost my husband and now I am so scared I am going to lose another huge chunk of our family. I am truly terrified.

My daughter has been showing signs of allergies the last couple of months, but the last couple of weeks it has been getting steadily worse. Right after my husband died I put our guinea pigs into foster because I thought they were the cause. That did seem to help a tiny bit (she is no longer waking up wheezing in the middle of the night), but the last week her eyes have been itching like mad and she has been rubbing them so much that this morning she almost looked like she had a black eye.

I am so scared she is allergic to our dogs and cats. We have had our two cats for seven years and we are deeply attached to them. Two of our dogs were my husbands and they are both senior citizens. My chihuahua would be easy to place (though it would break my heart even more then it is already broken) since my mom has already said she is madly in love with her and really wants her if it ever comes to a point where I can't keep her. My younger dog Kahlua could go into foster (I have a friend who has already volunteered to foster her if need be.)...but my older dogs are old and have enough minor health problems that it would be hard to find them good homes.

Plus they were my husbands babies...I would really feel like I had failed him if I have to let them go. Truly I feel the last gift I can give him is to make sure his dogs are ok...and rehoming them would be letting him down.

Add to it I know my MIL would want them, but I also know Arthur would not want them to go to her because she already has too many pets and her house smells badly as a result. He did not even want her to keep them when we went out of town. If I had to tell her she could not have them I don't think she would ever forgive me.

So please pray that I can make this work. I don't want to lose my pets also. I don't want to have to choose between our furr family members and my daughters health. I am so scared. I truly don't know how I will survive losing more of my family right now...especially Arthur's dogs.

I made an appointment to take Sophia to the Dr on Wednesday and I am going to request allergy testing. We already have 12 air filters going in our house due to my allergies...if this is allergies I am not sure what I will do.

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Hi Lina,

I haven't posted in quite some time but I've been reading almost all of the posts every day.

First, please let me say how sorry I am for your loss.

I want to tell you that I have allergies and have been on allergy shots for 34 years now. I was allergic to our daughter's guinea pigs but they were even able to put them in my shots so hopefully they'll be able to do something for your daughter also.

I know how difficult it would be to have to give up your pets too. Our dog was truly another family member to us. He was a poodle though and I wasn't allergic to him.

Keeping you in my prayers...


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Oh gosh. You have to be thinking.....will any of this ever end. It has to seem like it's just one thing after another to you.

If you have not been able to tell, I am a huge dog person. We have three and I can't even begin to imagine what I would do without a furry child. (Noticed your daughters name, Sophia. I have a Parson's Jack Russell Terrier named---HRH Miss Sophie. Hope your daughter does not share the same attitude!!! :rolleyes: )

I have been tested for allergies and of course the only thing I tested a bit allergic to was dogs. I take an over the counter antihistamine daily and do just fine. I hope your daughter can find relief as easily as I have.

Hopefully, the doctor will be able to find a way for you to be able to manage the child and the pets.

Let us know!

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I have allergies too and take Claritin once a day, plus a Rx nasal spray to keep things in check. A coworker of mine gets shots. I hope the doctor can do something for your daughter so you will not have to lose your beloved fur babies, you've been through enough.

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Lina, so hope things will work out. I am a big dog person, and know how hard it would be to give up either of my corgi girls. They can do so much with alergy shots and over the counter medicine anymore....I will pray that something will work for your daughter.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Testing before you get rid of your beloved pets would be my suggestion, there are also a lot of seasonal allergies that can cause the reaction. I have allergies and it has been a bad year for them, I also am allergic to cats and birds and long haired dogs. But if this is her first reaction it could be to pollens, or even foods, etc.

So, testing would be best to get a more def. answer.

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Lina, Hang tight not a good idea to be making a decision like this right now, as others have said, medications, testing...and please do not take it personally, but perhaps more frequent cleaning of the dogs and house.......it helped me! Also keep in mind, kids tend to outgrow such things...or could this all be pollen??? And yet despite the fact they we know our dogs, cats etc are our family.......you child tumps them.....rough decision.........Take Care! Dave

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I've been dealing with some sort of allergy problem the last year, most likely my dogs also. I do take a generic form of claritin and a nose spray. So many of my friends say you have to get rid of your dogs... Well that isn't going to happen. They are mine and Larry's dogs, they are my companions, really the only ones that have stuck by me, and I'll just have to suffer some but my dogs aren't going anywhere. I hope your daughters appt. with the doctor will find something she can take so she won't be miserable. Hope things work out so you can keep all of your pets. Deborah

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Also, I have a Filter Queen Defender Air Filtration System and it really helps. I tend to forget to change the filters when I'm supposed to and when the machine is clean and new filters, I notice the difference immediately in my breathing! I also bought their Majestic vacuum cleaner, it gets particles most vacuums leave so it's great for someone with allergies. Can probably get them used on eBay at quite a savings.

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Deborah and Kay, your comments remind me of the time I went to my primary care physician with allergy symptoms and he asked if I had a dog. I said yes, and then he asked if the dog slept with me in my bed at night. Again I said yes. He said, "Well then, don't let your dog sleep in your bed anymore." I never went back to that doctor again. Eventually I found a physician who was willing to work with me and, like Deborah, I started on generic Claritin and a nasal spray. End of problem. And no, I did not change my sleeping arrangements.

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Good, keep us posted!

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I understand completely completely! After my husband passed, we had a black lab, 14 years old at her time of death... a cat that was the "child" of the cat that literally prayed for him when in pain or emotional need. They both were lost and the devestation to my granddaughters which were more like and still our our children! Memories are what counts, you have the support it sounds like to be able to see them and know they will be alright. Ours was death upon death, first their mother in 2004, next their grandfather(papa) my husband and then the cat and then dog. All within 2-1 year of each other. It feels like a "divorce " in giving them away with visitation hopefully. Ours , is the knowledge that none of them hurts or are in pain anymore and are in heaven. I hope that the good Lord gives you peace in this incredible decision. Zeeks

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My daughters Dr put in a referral for allergy testing...we will go from there.

Good news. Keep us posted on how it goes.

I am allergic a bit to dogs, but can't even begin to imagine life without mine. They are my comfort and support system!!!

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OMG, that is forever to wait! Is she on medicine?

My cat is severely allergic to fleas and when my son brought his dog, it was flea infested, in spite of being on Frontline Plus. I have all four animals on it, put Borax on the floor/upholstery, gave them flea baths, etc, but in spite of all of my attempts, the cat broke out in sores all over her body, every 1/4" is covered in bleeding sores. I had her on Claritin so evidently it stopped working for her. I researched it and discovered cats respond best to Zyrtec so I bought that and started giving it to her. She seems to be improving, although it'll take a couple of weeks to have full effect. Zyrtec does nothing for me. I guess we have to try and find what works best for each of us and stick with that. Poor Kitty, the vet said even one flea can cause this kind of reaction in her. :(

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