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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Thank You Friends

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WaltC, You have to know how dear a friend you are to all of us here. Through you I have gotten to know the wonderful person Jeannie is, the wonderful person you are. I realized yesterday that really the friends Gene and I share are drifting away. Having a conversation is harder each time I hear from someone. Their lives are moving on...continuing. I merely exist because I'm still here.

Thank you WaltC for your support...for giving me the gift of knowing Jeannie.

I hope the pain we all share eases. Thank you for letting me share my Gene.

Always Gene!


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I too have found that the friends George and I had have gone on without me...I don't know if it's because now it's no longer a "couple" but just me, or if they turned out to be more his friends than mine, but at any rate, it's changed, they're gone. There are a few who have remained, and I've developed new friendships. It is strange though, it turns out differently than I ever would have guessed.

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