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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

I Want To Go Home

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People say take it day by day, but yet I believe that should be rephrased to minute by minute. People continue their lives but yet you sit there wondering how they just move on and deal with it. People act like nothing has happened, and that it’s over with, but it’s not. Do people just forget and move on? I think about my dad every second of my life, just wishing I could go back and stop everything from happening. I’m only sixteen, how do people expect me to move on and be the same person after losing my only present parent? The closest person to me, the person I leaned on. My life has fallen apart but I can’t just move on, it’s not that simple. I want to go home to my dad, and just give him a huge hug and cry on his shoulder, but I can’t. I love you dad, I just wish we could be home together again.

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In the beginning a day is too much to take on, you're right, a minute is easier to handle. Have you tried writing letters to your dad? I did that with my husband, still do sometimes. I also released balloons to him, some people light candles, whatever brings any comfort to you. Who knows but what they can hear us? There's so much we don't know about the spirit world...

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Especialu at your age and losing a parent it has to be harder than some other losses. I too had to take each second as it came.You may not be able to "go and hug your father" physically be with him,but even if you make a small memorial in a room or in your yard for you to sit at and be with him mentally.Write him a letter an read it out loud.

Some people attach notes to a balloon and release it.

There are STILl ways to be with our loved ones.

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SunShine, my dear, my heart hurts for you, and I am so sorry for the death of your dad. Of course you miss him and you just want to go home to him. We only get one father in life, and if we've been blessed with a good one, there is no substitute. My own dad died many years ago, and I still think about him every single day and miss him with all my heart.

I really hope you will read these articles, as they contain some information that I think is important for you to know:

Teen Grief: Mourning the Death of a Parent

Feeling Pressured to "Move On" in Grief

Teen Misses Uncle's Visitation and Funeral

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