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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by quink42

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss! I had a bunny once, and they can be a lot of fun. I too lost a furbaby in August, and I still grieve for her. Time is the great healer, but sometimes it takes a LONG time.....it sure has for me. Each of our pets is special, and different from the others. We can only love them for the short time they are with us, and then try to move on. Maybe a new bunny is in your future.....I got a new puppy and she's made the loss of my other one more bearable. She can never 'replace' my other one, but she's special in her own way, and grows on me more every day.

    God Bless You!!!

  2. Pippin, it truly WAS an accident!!! You did NOTHING wrong. It's so hard when things like this happen. I lost my toy poodle over 2 months ago, and still feel responsible. But eventually, I'm starting to 'forgive' myself. We love our pets, and always feel totally responsible for them. But sometimes things just 'happen'. I believe that we will see our furbabies on the 'other side' someday. It makes no sense that God would create them for us only to take them away permanently. He knows how we love them, and God IS Love!!! Forgive yourself.....you know your precious pet doesn't blame you.....he knows how you loved him! I hope you consider getting another dog.....I did, and it's helping me more every day......they need us, and we most certainly need them!

  3. Hi Brad,

    I know how you hurt for your little friend. I lost my best buddy, a tiny toy poodle named Midgy, just 2 months ago, and still cry over her every day. Before that, I had a cat that got tangled up in a hay thresher......his name was Taffy and he was only a year old! It is so sad to lose a pet, because we love them terribly and they love us too, unconditionally. I hope you are getting better as time goes by. We never forget them, but each day, it's easier to bear. It's really good that you have another cat. I bought another puppy just 3 days after Midgy died, and although a lot of people think that's too soon, it wasn't for me!!! I needed something soft and furry to come home to and take care of, something that needed me as much as I needed her. I really believe our pets are waiting for us on the 'other side', and we'll see them again some day.....the Bible talks about how in latter days, the lion will lie down with the lamb....in other words, there will be no more anger, pain, and grief, but only joy, both for us and for the animals the Good Lord created for us to love.

  4. Hi Dot,

    I had to put down my tiny toy poodle just 4 days later than you did your Bernard. So my grief too has lasted over 2 months, and not a day goes by that I don't cry 3 or 4 times. When you really love your babies as much as we did, it's not easy to say goodbye. I truly believe tho, that they're waiting in the Lord's kingdom for us, and we'll be reunited some day. But in the meantime, the 2 things that have helped me are: getting out of my apartment with friends and doing just about anything but sit around and think about it, and the other thing I did was adopt a new puppy. Lots of people thought it was too soon, but I couldn't stand coming home to an empty apartment. My new furbaby, Kaylee, will never take the place of my Midgy, but she sure keeps me busy and also gives me a reason to smile again. And the more I get to know her, the more I appreciate her very OWN uniqueness. I don't know how long it will take before I finally quit crying, but I do believe it's a 'little' easier now than it was on that horrible day I said goodbye. The saying TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS is probably the smartest thing anyone ever dreamed up! It's true....the only part unsaid was 'how long' the 'time' thing has to be, but that's different for each individual. I hope you get a new puppy, or even an older dog. So many of them NEED you.....and you need one of them too.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss!!! Many years ago, I lost a one year old cat too, and cried for 3 months. And now, more recently, I lost my little toy poodle just 7 weeks ago, so I understand your grief over the loss of a beloved pet. But one thing besides adopting another puppy, which I did, was to STAY BUSY! An idle mind just dwells on grief, and not on joy, I've found. Go out with friends, go shopping, do whatever you have to to put other thoughts in your mind. And consider adopting a kitten......the humane societies are just full of them, and they really NEED adoption and love.....hope this helps!

  6. Leswolf, I carefully read your entire post, and for the life of me, I cannot find ANYTHING that you did wrong!!!! I know how you feel, and we all feel guilt that's gut wrenching when our baby goes to be with the Lord.....I lost my dog on August 7th, and still cry every day because I gave her a bone that splintered, etc. But you did everything RIGHT, and you have to believe and understand this. Our pets just don't live long enough, and that's a fact of life that's very hard to accept. But there are other doggies out there that NEED us, and if you decide to adopt another one, you'd be surprised how just taking care of it helps your grieving. I am not 'over' my other dog, but at least my new puppy gives me a reason to come home to a 'not so empty' house. Not having a dog was just not an option for me, because I couldn't stand the 'quietness' without one. I needed to be 'taking care' of something besides the house and myself, and I bet you do too.....

  7. I couldn't agree with you more, Smiley. People like us NEED something to come home to and love and take care of. Otherwise there's just emptiness, and TV and computers just aren't enough to fill your soul. Kaylee (my new toy poodle) is little by little starting to fill the hole in my heart left by Midgy's loss. I know she loves me, and that really helps! A lot of people here in the apartment complex where I live don't have a pet, and for the most part, they're busybodies and mostly live to just gossip!!!! That's just not for me.....

    I'm glad you got 2 more pets....they sound like fun, and they NEEDED YOU TOO!!! Kudos to you for what you've done.....

  8. Kavish, have you ever had a dog of your own? You mentioned friends' dogs, but didn't say if you had one. Or did you just kind of consider your friends' dogs your own too? I do that....have a friend who has the sister to my Midgy, and I feel like she's sorta my dog too! Her dog is in rather poor health too, so she read the same book I did on pet grieving before she really needs it! I dread to think how she'll feel when her dog dies, because I know her well and her dog means as much to her as mine did to me......

  9. Hi,

    I lived at my friend's who had a miniature poodle called Gilby. He lives now with my friends' daughter in law. I think of him and can understand what you are going through. Poodles are so divine and they know everything, as I am sure almost every animal does. It wasn't your fault. I convey to you my sincere wishes that you don't blame yourself and Midgy would know how much you cared.


  10. I am very sorry for your own loss of Peppers too! What breed of dog was he? I have a friend in California who has a doggy named Pepper, and he told me he didn't know what he'd do if he lost him.......I will certainly tell him about this wonderful site!!! It is really helping to know there are others out there who know how I feel. In my apartment building, until recently, there were only 2 of us who had a dog out of all 48 tenants!!! That amazes me......because I can't imagine any kind of real happiness without a doting pet! Did you get another dog? If so, how long did you wait? I only waited 3 days to get another one that someone here in my own home town didn't want. I know that might sound waaaaay too soon to many people, but at least she has taken my mind off my grief for brief periods of time, and has even made me laugh out loud at some of her antics. So it wasn't too soon for ME!!! I didn't just WANT another dog, I NEEDED one to keep my sanity. It doesn't make me feel guilty any more that Midgy might think she's been replaced (and I know that's silly) because I know that Midgy would want me to be as happy as she is now with our Creator, and it's that belief that keeps me going.......by the way, it seemed to me that our Lord KNEW I needed another doggy because when I checked in our local paper, there was a toy poodle that a family didn't want because they already had a boxer, and I guess they didn't get along. I told the husband what had happened to my other doggy, and how I was just about flat broke, and he sold me this new one for only $175, with papers!!! I immediately took her to the vet and had her checked out, and the vet said she was perfect. I know how fortunate I am since I got her, because she is only 4 months old now and completely house broken to wee wee pads. Since I live on the 3rd floor of our building, taking her out all the time to do her business is virtually impossible. For the first few weeks, I had to follow her constantly to be sure she understood where she was to go, but she caught on!!!!! So I AM thankful, and I know she will help me heal. God is good......all the time. We just don't know why things happen, but luckily, He does, and if we stay in tune with Him, He'll always be there. I think this experience has given me more faith......I know I pray more now!!! Life's lessons are never easy, are they?????

  11. Marty, THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me some sites and a book I could go to. I appreciate it more than I can say.......this has been the worst pain I've had to deal with since my father died 21 years ago!! And so few people I've talked to really seem to understand. But I'm finding that this website is becoming a Godsend to me!!! It really is.......THANKS AGAIN!

  12. Smiley, can I ask you how long it took you before you quit crying all the time? Midgy died on August 7th, and every time I think about it, it's like it JUST HAPPENED, and it's now September 18th. I just read a book on dealing with pet loss, and my daughter sent me another one that I'll start reading tomorrow. I'm a Christian, so unless the new book gives the Christian viewpoint, I probably won't read it. I have to believe that Midgy is with God now, and that I'll see her again one of these days.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. It's good to know that there are others out there who know how I feel. In my own experience, most people don't seem to grieve as much as I have with my baby, and I almost wish I were them! Life would be easier.......but I guess I'm stuck with who I am......

  13. Thank you so much for replying, Kavish. I know this is a day to day process, but I really thought my new puppy would sort of hasten the healing. She's adorable and very playful, and her name is Kaylee. But I just can't get over Midgy. Maybe I just expected a miracle.

    As I continue chatting on here, perhaps I'll find out that others have grieved for long periods of time, and then I won't feel so alone. Midgy was my 3rd dog, and being a poodle, as you said, she seemed a lot more 'humanish' than the others. They are just different!!! I'm sure each and every person on here feels the same about their own dog, but of the 3 I had, she was definitely the most devoted and bonded to me.....

  14. I just signed up here today, and I don't know if I can even write this because of all the tears......I gave my precious 7 year old toy poodle Midgy what I heard from the butcher was a 'safe' bone, and after that, she developed pancreatitis, and then the vet thought she either abcessed, or she had a bone fragment pierce the bowel. Either way, she died in 3 days. I'm just so full of 'if onlys', and I can't quit crying about it. I just adored her......and the guilt I feel for 'giving in' and giving her the bone is unbearable. It's been over a month since she died, and I just can't begin to heal yet.....and wonder how long it will take before I can 'move on' with my life. I'm a female senior citizen, and lived alone with her....she was my life......

    I even bought another dog, but so far that hasn't helped much, tho the new puppy does take up a lot of my time. I'm afraid to love her like I did Midgy, because it hurts soooooo bad. Maybe I should have waited till I felt better, but I just don't know when that will happen. Any help out there will be more than appreciated........

  15. I think having a special day for our departed pets is a wonderful idea. I just lost my little toy poodle, Midgy, a month ago, and the grief I feel is sometimes nearly intolerable. I'm soooo glad I found your site.....just joined today, and I hope that I'll find the help I need to get past the loss of my precious pet....THANK YOU!!!

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