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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by MaryFran71

  1. Hello. I was surfing the web and typed in grief and wound up here. I lost my mother to cancer when I was 19. I was young and blocked alot of that out. You'd think that would be a wake up call as to how precious life is. My life went on, I got married..felt the loss more at that time. I used to be a wreck on Mother's Day, until I had my first daughter. Luckily my father was very active in her life and I was able to see the joy in the circle of life. Then when I was pregnant with my second daughter he became very ill. He died of cirosis, which is a horrible way to go. He died six weeks before she came.I was 33. So here I was with this new life trying to move forward..Then the holidays hit and they always bring on the tears. I made it through because of my children, I live for them. My husband has a hard time comprehending my grief. He still has his parents and his grandparents. I have no one. My friends all have their parents.I try not to dwell on it, but it really happened. So what can I do? I be the best parent I can be. I tell my older daughter stories of when I was young, so she knows everything about me. I keep journal's for both of them. I'll be honest the 2nd one got jipped on the photo's, but we love them both the same!There's so many questions I never asked my parents. I'm considering going to a psychic for closure. I read the book " Don't kiss them goodnight" and I believe in mediums. Okay. I feel better having that info off my chest. Thankyou. God Bless you all.

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