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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by madimoon10

  1. Hello,

    I lost my father two months ago at the age of 40. I am a teenager. I just wanted to let you know that everyday is hard but it's good to cry. I have found that the best way to heal is to cry. I cry everyday. It's hard being so young and small and to loose your father. My Dad was my hero. Remember that although it feels like life is following apart, it will get better. I am so glad to hear you had your father around for a long time. He must of lived a very happy life. I send you happiness!


  2. Thank you for answering!

    I would like to add that my father's stroke was different from any stroke. It had very different symptoms, but has a name I can not describe, it is similar to a stroke so that's what they call it. I realize that one of the responses says that a stroke is very common, well not in the case of my father's. His type of stroke was different from a normal one. It was the extremely rare. Again thank you for responding! It has been so hard on me and to get comments back is amazing!

  3. Hey,

    My dad died two months ago, so I am going through the same things u are. I am a teenager, and am so young to loose a father. It's so hard and I always cry every day. Don't worry, crying is good. If you didn't cry, that would mean you don't love him. Crying is love coming out from you. Remember to write down everything you remember about your dad so you never forget. I keep a journal, and it helps me a lot. Each day is harder, but I know everything will get better. Remember to let your friends and family take care of you.



  4. Another thing I forgot to add is this:

    My dad died from a stroke only 1 in ten million people get. It has no cure. He was a perfectly healthy man who played golf on the day his stroke happened. It was scary and unexpected. My sister found him on the ground of his office and screamed for me and my mother. She is very young and is trying to continue to be strong. It was very scary because my mom was on a phone call and my sister and I were trying to wake him up, then we went to get my mom who began to cry and call 911, we ran to get our neighbors help and our neighbor came as fast as he could. On that day, and the next days he never talked to me again because he couldn't. His brain was almost dead and the best doctors in the world couldn't fix it. He kissed my Mom one last time and played a thumb war with her while riding in a helicopter to the hospital, but he couldn't talk and those were his last movements or conversation towards us. I cry each night and have flashbacks of the hospital. I just wanted to share the story so it would make my last entry more understandable.

  5. I as well lost my Dad to months ago. I just want to let you know, you are very brave. When my father passed away I to was with him at the hospital. He couldn't talk to us and his brain was almost dead. I was sad and felt like I had no strength. Then as I left I saw all my friends, some that I weren't even close to. All I can say to you is keep your friends close. Cry on their shoulders, talk to them and they will help you. Some days it feel like you alone, which is how I feel a LOT! So just find people who are there, who you can count on and let them help you. It will allow you to gain strength and help create new dreams. Never loose hope because your Dad and Mom are always there just sometimes you have to try really hard to see them. I think of what my Dad will say in situations and sometimes it makes me laugh because he was so funny. Do things like that, write down what you remember about your parents, that way they will never be gone.

  6. I lost my dad about two months ago. I miss him so much. It feels like the worst feeling in the whole world, it is indescribable. None of my friends can really relate to me so my Mom's friend showed me this to help me talk to someone who really understands. I am really mad because I miss seeing my dad around the house doing this I have been so used to. I miss talking to him and playing games with him. I miss the way he helped me with homework, or my problems, or even how to complete a task. I miss his smile. Sometimes I melt down. I cry and cry and I want to through a big fit. I want to yell and scream and I want only him and no body else. I want him to comfort me like he does, and tell me how perfect I am and how much I mean to him. Being a teenager makes it hard. You are constantly telling your parents to go away, you want to be with your friends. But now I want to be with my parents so much. I want to be with my dad. I wish I could have him here with me to help me through this. I want to hear his voice, and not just in my head. My mom tells me that some dads are not kind to their kids. That some dads aren't there. But mine was different. My dad was always there no matter what else was going on. Everyday he told me he loved me and was here to protect me. He supported anything I did and never put me down. I was his angel, his princess, the person he wanted to see when he gets home. I am scared I will forget him as I grow older. I am scared I will forget him in the next year. I feel so many emotions, I can't even explain. So if you lost your Dad, please reply to this because I need to know I am not alone, and that I am not the only person feeling this way.

    I miss you Daddy so much!


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