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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by derby

  1. Good Morning All,

    I posted a while back about the "being cold". It is so strange for me. Started the night of my husbands death and still continues today at 16 weeks out. Have heard a few explanations such as shock, the other"half" of me is now gone, etc. One benefit I have noticed is addtional weight loss and makes me wonder if its because my body burns calories to try to stay warm? And the heating bills! Total electric throughout my house. On to the handyman topic. I have always depended on my Dad, then my husband, and then my son. I was off this week due to the flu and the oven door handle was loose and unsafe. My boss had bought me a "ladies" toolbox which I tucked away. Well I got it out and eventually found the right tool to tighten it myself. Doesn't sound like much of a victory, but for me it was. Its amazing what we can do when presented with a challenge. Even one so simple as an oven door. You all inspire me so much with all that you have done and continue to do. Thank you all for sharing your trials, your fears, good days and bad, and your moments of triumps. Blessings. Debbie

  2. Hi All,

    Well I did it. Made the appt. to file income taxes as well as estate taxes. Accountant told me to bring with my paperwork a copy of the death certificate. Monday night. Not looking forward to it. Once again I had to go to the firebox and retreive yet again another reminder of my husband's death. Another reminder he is not here. Really hoping I can be strong while we get through the filing. And then of course the wonder if I will have to pay in. I did ask him if funeral expenses are deductible and of course they are not, at least not in PA. I suppose its something we must all do for the first time alone.

  3. Ron,

    As I have said in an earlier post, you have a wonderful gift with words and expression of what you are feeling. I don't know what your career was before you took time off to care for your beloved Mother, but having such a gift with words, could prove to be an area in which you could excel. If you so desire. Pen to paper. Feelings that make no sense at the time, written down even if jumbled. I wish I could get my son to do this, but...he won't. My son as well was not employed while we went through the dying process with his Dad. As I look back, it turned out to be such a blessing. He then had the time to devote to his Dad. Time he could not otherwise have taken. And it would anger me that my employer would have dis-regared the time off I needed to be with my loved one. I can see and feel the anger my son carries in his heart and soul. And then moments of tears when he allows the pain to surface. I never know what to do or say to him as I have not yet lost a parent. I have lost a sister and I have lost my husband. I have lost friends, friends not through death, but from the changes in my heart. Changes that have made me view life in a very different way then I did before. I no longer have the tolerance for some of the opinions of where they think I should be in this process and how I am traveling through this process. I am very, very picky with whom I spend my time with. What I need, some of them just don't understand or the words they say cut me to the core. Ron, once again, I wish I had the insight to offer you just the right words, as I wish I did for my son. I can say we are all here to offer support and understanding and kindness. And someday, maybe as I browse through a bookstore, I will see a book written by RonB. You never know Ron what miricles or surprises life has instore for us. Blessings to you Ron and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Reading your posts has given me insight to what my son may be feeling and I will so try to keep my heart and mind open to what he may need from me. To what he may not be sharing verbally with me, but whats really in his heart. Peace and comfort to you RonB. Debbie

  4. Ron,

    Thank you for gettting checked by Dr to rule out a heart attack. I am so relieved it was not, although panic/anxiety are not fun either. I have been a receipent of those as well. Especially after going thru stress and you have certainly been through major stressors. Oh Ron, I wish I had the words to offer you comfort, just as I wish I had the right words for my son. I will take the liberty to tell you how much it meant to my husband that our son was there with him as much as he could be. Being a Mother myself, I can only imagine how much it meant to your Mom that you were there for her, helping to make her journey loving and peaceful. It would be my wish that son would be with me to do all the things you did for and with her. Ron, please stay close to these boards as we all are going through grief in different ways, and in different stages. I have found insight in what others have written and suggested. I find the rest of the "world" sometimes oblivious to our process, our needs, and our feelings. Bless you Ron as you navagiate through this. And I believe as well the right job will come along when you are ready for it too. You have a gift with words. Blessings Ron. Debbie

  5. Ron,

    First of all I am so sorry for the losses you have endured. I can relate a bit of what you write of. My husband died Oct. 2009 leaving me and our only son. My son is only now feeling the depth of his sorrow. The grief has left him questioning many aspects of his life. It as well is affecting a wonderful relationship he is in. From my propective, I can see that he has little of himself to give to the young lady he loves. He is using all his energy to work through his loss. All the different feelings and losses one feels when watching a parent pass on- seem to carry over with relationships and friendships. It is a very trying time for a son, whether it be a Mother or Father which one lost. I only share this with you in hopes it may help to know anything you are feeling is normal. Physical systoms are common, although the feelings of having a heart attack require the attention of a Dr. Its also my belief that by going through this process we will learn. What we learn will be unique to each of us. My heart goes out to you and I send my thoughts your way. Blessings to you. Debbie

  6. Hi

    I understand whatever it is we feel, it can be normal. Last night while centering at a yoga class ( a term used for breathing correctly while relaxing) I had the visualization of my husband when we walked into his room as he had just died. The image of that surfaced in my mind/memory. In the beginning of my journey it was something I kept replaying in my mind. Why is it, I thought of it last night again? Is it possible I still have not yet come to terms with the fact he really did die? Are the memories of that fateful day in someway a tramua I will never be able to get out of my mind? Really was unsettling for me to go back to that process of it happening and the fear and dis-belief he really did leave. I know it probably does not make sense, but it is something I would rather not think about. ANy ideas? Debbie

  7. SusieQ,

    My thoughts and wishes for you as you return to work. When I went back to my job, someone suggested I email my boss and co-workers to let them know how I felt, express my fears etc. I took their advise and it really helped. Also I visited before I went in and that really helped me with anxiety and allowed my co-workers to comfort me and say what they wanted to say. I went back on a Thursday and Friday for only 1/2 days and for me that worked since it was not so overwhelming. It has become easier, but I still cry. On the way to work or on the way home. This week I actually had some moments of feeling happy. And thats all I can ask for because moments will turn into minutes, into hours, on so on. I will keep you in my thoughts and do whatever it is that is best for you. Blessings, Debbie

  8. Thank you all so much for the thoughtful encouraging words. Went pretty well. Of course I cried on the way, but as I was there, memories that I had blocked from that night came back to mind. Things I had not really thought about since August 19. Hopefully another stepping stone. We all just try to embrace, confront, manage, when and only when, we feel up to doing so. YOu all have been so wonderful to me and I appreciate so much being able to post and know that you are all here to help lift others up. I am so grateful for the kindness expressed here. Debbie

  9. Hello All,

    Tomorrow night is the night I return to my class that I have not attented since August 19th. The beginning of the end of my husbands journey. When I returned home that night, I found out he was admitted to the first of the four hospitals and then finally hospice where his life journey ended. It is with so many different feelings and apprehension I return. Its so unbelievable to imagine when I last attented, I still had him in my life. Another mountain to climb. Another first night of coming back home and he will not be here for me to share what I did. But its time for me to go back and reclaim that part of my life. Rebuild for me... hoping we all have the courage to do those things we did in the past that were just for us. To improve us, to help us grow. And someday, help us heal. Blessings....Debbie

  10. Just got done with the "cry if ya want to". I am sure it won't be the last time tonight, Decided to stick with my orginal plan of forgoing being with others tonight and spend it here. Really glad I am honoring my feelings on this night and just being......hope, faith, comfort, and blessings wished for all of you on this night of nights and in the year ahead. Debbie

  11. Renee,

    Thank you for the kind words. I really do try to stay connected to God, with God as it is my belief I have his work to do. There is so much power for me in that. I realize if I don't have quiet moments for reflection & inspiration, I carry extra burdens and worries. Doesn't mean I don't, just really try to be thankful for the abundance I have. Not always easy during this journey, but oh how I try. Blessings, Debbie

    Renee, about the severed relationship....listen to your heart? Would that help you make a decision? Is the person someone that you would like to be a part of your life? Can they accept the "new person" you are? Just some random thoughts for you to think about. Hope they help. Peace, Debbie

  12. Good morning all,

    Just wanted to share how healing and powerful the sunrise is for me. It was something I started to appreciate while staying with my husband for 3 weeks at hospice. Weekends are the mornings I get to enjoy it and its represents a promise for me. The promise of a new day, the hope of eventually a new life down the road, the fact that there is a heaven and a God that loves and cares for us and our loved ones. Even as the hurt is still overwhelming at times, and the reality of this situation comes and brings me to my knees, it is a very special time of the day for me. I wish you all the beauty and healing of opening your hearts to the many possibilites that lay in our lives and in our hearts. Blessings my friends. Debbie

  13. I have found myself drawn to certain people right now too. Just like you said, it is amazing who is by your side. Those we think will be, are not or can not. Those we think won't stay by us, do. And I do believe God sends us others when we need them most. Honestly, I do think about those who have let me down, but I really try to be grateful for those who have not left my side. Don't really want to add bitterness along for this journey. It's hard though. Right now for me its family, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a very few friends that really know me. The kind that see the tears behind the smile and understand. And of course my family here. There is a bond with others going thru this and those are the people I feel the most comfort in being with. Blessings Debbie

  14. Yesterday was sad for me as well. I pushed to get on with Xmas eve and then Xmas day. Yesterday was just a quiet day, took a much needed nap, late dinner, walmart and finished a book. Just relieved it's over. Maybe the sadness was the fact I had sometime alone for reflecting and feeling. All I know is that it was there. Blessings, Debbie


    I am so sorry for your loss. As I have posted many times, the folks on here are so wonderful to have to walk through this journey with.

  15. Hello All,

    Justed wanted to check in as promised and wish you all glimmers of peace, comfort and just the bare necessity of getting thru these next two days. I have a houseful of people coming and not sure yet how I will get through it, the tears have been falling steady since last afternoon. Which is good..to let it out, to cry to feel what we feel. I know it has to be a very common feeling today, tonight and tomorrow. May God Bless each of you and your hearts that are sad. Thank you for being by my side. Debbie

  16. Hi All,

    I am hoping this holiday week can help our hearts feel peace, love, and some comfort along the way. It is a very confusing time as I find myself with many mixed emotions as I am sure we all have all been feeling. Our lives are so different than last holiday and will be forever changed. We have all been shattered to a degree, and with faith we will be able to feel love and try to accept the changes in our lives. Going to be very difficult, but we will do the best we can. If I forget to say this Xmas Eve, I would not have wanted to start this journey without each and everyone of you. Your posts and replies have helped me so very much. You have all helped me see glimmer of light and hope. Although I have many miles yet to travel on this journey, I know I have love, support, and prayers from my family here. God Bless everyone of you. Debbie

  17. Yes it has been a really, really hard week. To top it off, the 16th was my husband's birthday. I was at a Dr's appt that day and just fell apart. And then today while getting out things for Xmas Eve, I found the Valentine's Day Card he gave me last year. Thank goodness I was the only one awake as the tears would not stop for the longest time. I know this is part of the process, just would like to have a grip on this thing. Today is 10 weeks he died and I am feeling it more than ever. Maybe realization? Not sure. Just want to be normal and have control and perhaps that is part of my problem. I need to give in and stop "faking it". Would just like to pack up and go away for a few weeks, but, I can't right now. Too much responsibility. Here is hoping we all find some peace and comfort from within to help us through the holidays. Blessings All. Debbie

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