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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Joe D. Pierce

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Posts posted by Joe D. Pierce

  1. I understand completely, My wife died in a diving accident. We were together on the boat she jumped in and that was the last time I saw her alive. If I had entered the water first, I could have saved her, regrets. How, do you get past them? But, know that her remains are not her, she is in your heart and soul. Once we get past the horror I'm sure we will feel them near. But, first we have to get through the Hell!!

  2. I know what you mean, this is my first holiday without Corrine. We were going to go down and ride our bikes into D.C.. We would go there one year, and antietem battle field the next. Our anniversary was June 20th. So,I know exactly how you feel. And you put it well, I have no desire to do anything, and being with friends doesn't help a lot of the time. I have gotten to where I don't want to talk to friends, I can't see the sense in all of us being depressed. My thoughts are with you!!

  3. I went to my wifes work today. They were having a celebration of her life. They did a wonderful job. She was so much more to others than I realized!! She worked for the USDA, in apple bio tech. They planted a tree at the facility in her honor, and placed a plaque in front of it. I keep saying this is the hardest thing I have ever done, but it keeps getting harder. Her death may yet destroy us both. These people meant well, but I didn't need one more reminder of just how wonderful she was. I know, it's what's desroying me!! But, they needed to express these things, so I had to be there. They were her friends. She was my only family, all I had. We have no children, and I have no family left alive. So, no one to turn to. Of course there are friends, but, I feel guilty calling them to cry!! They all have their on lives and troubles, they don't need mine. I am slowly losing my mind!!

  4. My wife, 47 years old, died in a diving accident on May 8th. We were married for 6 years, and were together for 7. We did everything together, we both had hobbies, some we shared some were individual. But, we would always share, and go together to the different shows dealing with our hobbies. She loved quilting, spinning, weaving, whitewater, knitting, and diving. We always made things for each other, I am a woodworker, and no matter what I made, she always got the first one!! I can't even walk into my woodshop now, even though I have loved woodworking for thirty years. Just no one to make anyting for anymore. One minute she was on the boat saying I'll see you in a minute, the next minute she was gone. No rhyme no reason, just gone. I have been dealing with all the things everyone deals with in this situation, but it means nothing. I don't know why I bother, because without her I don't care!! Every day at noon I reach for my phone waiting for her call, which never comes, every evening I enter our home expecting her there and she isn't, and she never will be. How can you possibly survive this, and why would you want to!!

  5. Hi Karen, unfortunately I had the same kind of day today. I had to attend a class for work at a big training facility and during one of the breaks I went to the restroom and on the way out all of the sudden out of nowhere I was overcome with grief and started to break down. This is a very strange feeling and very hard to explain to complete strangers, luckily for me nobody was around and I was able to pull it together before class started again. I hate this feeling but now it almost is starting to feel normal. How messed up is that? Keep your husband's memories close and wish him a happy birthday for me, try to enjoy the day and I'll try to do the same. Take care Karen. Wishing the best for all of us,BW

    I know exactly what you mean. This happens to me too. One moment everything is going along ok, then I'm crying. No rhyme or reason, just crying.

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