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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Nitz

  1. I am so glad you had a doctor that was willing to help. I went to my doctor within a month of losing my husband and she told me my sleep issues were due to grief. That they would work out in time. Would not give me anything. I have tried over the counter meds. None seem to help that much. I have trouble falling asleep and than trouble staying asleep. I wake up every hour or so. I try to get between 4 - 5 hours per night. Not always easy and not all at one time. Maybe it is time to go back to the Dr. Thank you for the information on trazadone. I will ask her about it.

  2. I found this site last night as a link on yahoo. I lost my husband of 28 years on 11/3/08. It was very sudden and I still do not have my feet firmly under me yet. Family members and friends think I am doing this all wrong. They think I should be done grieving by now. I work full time so that helps but evenings and week ends are still so hard. Sleeping is still an issue. How have people dealt with that? Our 30th wedding anniversary would have been tomorrow. The tears will not stop tonight. He was my best friend and I still have this huge hole in my heart and my life

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