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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Squirrel

  1. Thank you so much for that - really helps. Since posting this more has developed re: my dads estate and hearing about your experience helped a lot!

    I definately need to see someone and made an appointment today.

    It is encouraging to hear that others have gone through similar things and make it!

    Thanks again! Blessings to all!

  2. So glad i found a site like this... although I'm from South Africa I'm hoping to find people who have experienced something similar and learn better ways to cope with this.

    My dad passed away 3 months ago - terrible car accident. The police are still finalising what happened and we have not even seen the report of the accident yet.

    I am his eldest and have a 17 year old brother. My dad had a girlfriend and they had a child together - she is turning 3 this year.

    I've been having to deal with so many "admin" issues and the court has insisted that I be made Executrix. Also my father had a lot of debt and the one and only policy he had was left to me.

    Basically I am not coping with the stress of what is going on with my dads girlfriend, his family (Portuguese) and the estate.

    Since the day I found out my dad died I've had to be strong and "keep it together" but I'm missing my dad so much and still havent been able to process what happened to him.

    He wasnt even 50 and it really sucks that this is all happening - I feel like running away and do not know how to carry on?

    I've never had anyone close to me die before and since this happened I've lost interest in everything in my life - it's almost like my existence doesn't have the same meaning anymore.

    Is this being overboard? Too emotional or negative? How does one get through this?

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