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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Kerry

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to let you all know about a book that really helped me. I have been through two years of counseling and this book did more for me. It is called Sibling Grief by P. Gill White, Ph.D. It's about healing after the death of a sister or brother at any age. It has just been published. The auther lost her sister when she herself was 14 years old. She is a counselor now. Anyway it talks about the ignorance in society about sibling loss. Everyone pushes us to be over it. They are not being cruel they just don't understand how deep that bond runs. They have'nt been through it. It is a devestating blow and you don't just get over it. You grow through it and evolve from it. Our brothers and sisters know us like no one else does or ever will. The bond is so deep that it can never be broken even after death. They are a part of who we are today. Anyway I hope this information can be of some help.


  2. I am sorry to hear about all your losses. I lost my brother 16 years ago. He was a beautiful little boy. The pain and sadness never go away but become less consistant in every day life. It does get better over time. But depression from it can come back and hit you at any time in your life. Even when you think you have been able to move on. The key is to get help when it does. Please don't be alone in your pain. They would not want us to suffer a lifetime over this. They know how much we love them and death cannot separate us. I have a strong spirtual connection with my brother. I dream about him every nite.

  3. Hello Everyone

    I lost my 10 year old brother 16 years ago. I was 14 years old at the time. He died in a drowning accident. I was with him at the time and I didn't act in time enough to save him. Words cannot even begin to express how guilty angry empty and devastated I have been ever since. He was my everything. I don't believe grieving ever really ends. It just goes through stages. Sometimes I will be ok for years and then it just hits out of nowhere. I will become emotionally paralysed for months with non stop crying and flashbacks.

    I know I had always been a good sister to him and I take comfort in that. I just miss him and love him so much. Everyone grieves diferently and its ok to still mourn someone you loved even 50 years after they have passed. I know I sill will if I am still around.

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