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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

jesse's girl

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Posts posted by jesse's girl

  1. On December 23, 2008 I was faced with the most horrific situation a parent could imagine. I received a call asking me to come to the hospital to identify 2 children that had been in an accident. I arrived at the hospital to find that my only son and my nephew had been beaten by an unknown individual. They were in such bad shape that they were unconscious and had to be put on life support. This was the day that I knew my life was changed forever. My sister and I spent the next 4 days at the side of our children as they fought to stay alive. Our gifts were the news that our children were going to spend Christmas with Jesus that year.Christmas will never be the same. My heart is forever broken and I still cant believe that they are gone.I carry their spirit with me everyday. I wake up every morning feeling sick because a part of me is missing. They were only 7 and 10 years old. Vivacious kids playing at a park.The shock is slowly wearing off and I'm now dealing with forgiveness and acceptance. I struggle to make it through the day and night.I cant even hold a relationship because my heart has been ripped from me. I feel like my life is upside down and I feel lost.Will I ever feel the same again? Will the pain ever go away? post-15836-1344793910432_thumb.jpg

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