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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by wyo

  1. Hi Maylissa,

    Thank you so very much for your kind and heartfelt words. It is so nice to commune with others that love their furbabies as if they gave birth to them. Trust me, when I first got my babygirl I was off work injured for 9months. When I went back to work I cried like a woman that leaves her baby for the 1st time.

    I am happy to say that my strong girl bounced back from this last episode. She had a vaccination that she reacted poorly to. I have read a book since then that said never vaccinate a dog fighting cancer, due to their weakend immune system. Thank goodness I picked something fairly benign. Bordetella. From now on I will only vaccinate her for the only required vaccination in the state. Rabies. I won't have to cross that bridge until next year.

    Meanwhile she celebrated her 11th birthday last night. We had her split a steak with her brother and had a small sliver of white cake. We showered her with love ,kisses and toys. She really enjoyed it. We feel so blessed that she saw her birthday and we will be leaving on a vacation to visit family for a week. I am grateful she dodged this bullet. I still get weepy, but I am learning to enjoy every extra minute and experience with her.

    I pray for you fellow traveler. We love these wonderful spiritual beings with full abandon, that is why we are so heartbroken when they leave us so soon. May God be with you in your journey with your baby. It will be very hard for you because she is the last. Hang on and love that ball of fur everyday! Much oxoxoxo to your furbaby. You are a very loving and compassionate pet parent and the reason we are hurting so badly is because we love them so strongly. A double edged sword for sure. I wouldn't have it any other way, however. The gifts and love she has shown us has been worth all the heartache and grief. Even though our hearts are heavy and breaking at the impending passing of our kids the love and joy will be worth it. Loving them has been the most precious gift of a lifetime.

    Best wishes to you and hang in there. God Bless, Wyo.

  2. I am experiencing anticipatory grief. My babygirl doggie is very ill. We have been together for almost eleven years. She was diagnosed with cancer in september 2005. I am very grateful that she has lived to see the holidays and her birthday is in a little over a week from now. She had a very bad spell two days ago and I feel the end is very near. I have lain down with her and held her and talked to her and expressed my love for her. I told her I understand she can't be with me forever. Sad to say life is fatal. I don't want her to be in pain, and yet I am really not ready to let her go. I feel grateful for the extra time we have had and I can honestly say that my husband and I have done everything possible for her and have spared no expense or time. I have been blessed to be able to spend most of my days and nights with her. I do not work right now.

    The post from ange was very reassuring.That I am not going crazy and that I will survive this. This is the most traumatic expierence ever. Some days I feel I will die with her. My husband and I do not have children. We do have another beautiful canine baby however. I know I have to be strong for my other dog. I have put alot of energy into caring for my babygirl these past 10 months. I have been dreading the day she doesn't bounce back and this day I believe is here. I don't want to give up on her, and yet I want her to know that if she is tired of fighting that I understand.

    Thank God for websites and discussion groups such as this. I don't have to feel so alone. I too have understanding friends and family. People that will grieve along with us, however the void her absence will leave will be too huge to bear. I loved the analogy about the broken bone. Thank you for reassuring me that I will be able to go on. I will always have my special relationship with my baby and feel her spirit. Please pray for this fellow traveler with a breaking heart. I need all the help I can get. God Bless and my condolences to ange and to whomever else is out there in pain.

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