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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by fergiezoecaasi

  1. My freshman year of highschool, my friend, Bernadette, died on December 15, 2006, and I moved to Japan on December 16, 2006. I moved because my dad is in the military. My friend Bernadette just turned 15 that year, and I was 14 years old. I was in Japan for 3 years, and I moved back to Virginia Beach July 18, 2009 .

    It's been six years after her death, but.. it still bothers me. Im sad that I didn't get to attend the funeral. I wish I stayed after she died, so I could have gone to the funeral. When I was in Japan, I didn't tell anyone about her because I couldn't say "Im im the new kid, my friend just died". I didn't get therapy when I was in Japan because my parents don't believe in therapy.

    Now that I'm 20 years old, I started to join the loss and support grief group in my college, there's only been 3 of us for the past month, it started last month. the counselor, this other girl, and me. A new guy came just last week, so i guess there's 4 of us now.

    I've been told I have delayed grieving. Im wondering.. how long.. will it take, until idk, i feel better. My grades havent been great either.

    My friend who died, she had all A's but she didn't live long enough to have a carreeer, so i think whats the point of studying if I might die young.

    I also started seeing an individual counselor in august. So, i think im close to closure... but i still feell .. hurt. Idk.

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