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Posts posted by liddie

  1. Dear Chris- Paula was a wonderful wife to u. I recently lost my beloved dog coco. He was old and sick. I live alone for many years and I was never successful at love. Meaning im 66 yrs old now and at peace with being single. I am going to go to giref counseling so I hope this helps. My cousin called me up in November 2013 and she told me "Frank had died" he was a college professor a Phd, teaching in a NY state college. two beautiful grown up daughthers. I said, who is frank? and it was her husband of 42 yrs. I always look at their marriage as a marriage made in heaven. Whenever there was a family get togther I use to see how they would laugh,kiss, dance and hold hands. I wished secretly that I had a marriage like theirs. In fact, they did marriage retreats in the catholic churches in long island, ny. They saved many couples' marriages on the brink of divorce. U two came from wretched childhoods and u found each other it was God's way of bring two souls that needed mending.

    There will be times when u question "why" did God take Paula away from me. I look at my dog's bed and bowl,brush,toys and I cannot throw it away. Im not ready. God made tear ducts in our eyes.Its ok to cry Is there a priest in your area where u can go to talk . How is your kids handling her loss, your grandkids. Im sure they want to spend some extra time with u now. The lonliness I feel is so emtpty. Im surrounded in my apt complex with dogs. I cannot get another one because I need 2 knee operations, and I need to take care of me now. if u want to respond back here im listed as liddie. take care. trust in God. We all need his shoulder to cry on. he is the only one u can really rely on. bye.

  2. hello mik- im new to this site. I just lost my Lhasa apso. on 1/11/14. I was a animal rescuer here in nyc,ny. do live in ny. he started going downhill very fast. he was 15/16 yrs old. he had ivdd,heart murmur-heavy panting,muscle loss,ccd, blind-cornel ulcers, incontinence, and I think a brain tumor or something pressing on his spinal column to make him have tremors. on the day he died, he had 2 petit mal seizuesI called my brother in nj and told him he must come fast-we had to go to the vet. on 12/20/13, I saw a neurologist, and without a mri,cat scan,flurscopy, u cannot really know 100% for sure if your dog has a brain tumor. He use to go around in circles and I did research on WebMD,cornell,meck vet manual,email pet meds doctor on-line about the meds. he was on a pain pill rhymidyy fo 6 months. everything that I read showed me signs that something was pressing on his spinal cord. From 1/8/14 to 1/11/14 it was bad. He barked all night then on Thursday I gave him 1 tranquilze thinking it would help him sleep-nothing worked, and this pill I gave him another time and it worked great, he came out of it like he was drunk but as it wore off he was ok. Yes, I signed the papers to put him down and I miss him so. I reallyr elated to you mik because I live alone and I was never married,no childen, and relatives live far away. With my dog coco I felt less alone now that hes gone the quietness of the apt is driving me crazy. I do not have good loyal friends. Im a religious person and I want to believe he is with Jesus and he is being cared for. Both parents died one in 1965 the other 1985. I have a boy cat and I havfe lost all interest in caing for myself or this cat. I feel so lost and alone. I also wonder why God takes everything fom me. I think Im a good person. I was an animal rescuer for 5 ys. He was my last rescue. I had to devote a lot of time to him to socialize him. He was a wild disobiedent dog, barked non-stop because Lhasas are guard dogs. So I live in an apt where the elevator was very near my door.I rescued 25 cats and 5 dogs. I see this happened in nov 2013. Does it still hurt? I lost 4 cats already now my boy coco. I live in a apt house where there are dogs all over, im on . If u want to respond tpo me u can reach me here as liddie. take care mik. fondly, liddie

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