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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Balto

  1. I want to thank all of you for your comments to me and not just me but to everyone else on here that needs comforting. It's so uplifting to know there are people whom I may never meet that truly cares if I am in pain or suffering. We see so much ugliness on tv and the internet that I think sometimes it's easy to believe that good people just aren't out there anymore but I'm a believer in the good in people and all of you have strengthened that belief. I hope that each one of you can find comfort and solace in knowing that there is always someone who cares. You've been such a comfort to me and I look forward to getting to know all of you a little more each day. I hope you all have a very blessed week! By the way, my given name is Malena so I'll be signing it that way from now on, Balto is just my member name. God bless you all!


  2. Mary, I just had to let you know that I went back and read some of your posts when Skye was failing in health and his passing, and I am sitting here crying because I know exactly how hard it was for you. I almost felt like I knew him and I can just see him smiling. They are such gentle creatures, full of love and forgiveness and the desire to please us, how can one not love them? Yesterday it was six months since I lost my Jenna and I cried most of the day. She's buried in my front yard beneath a mimosa tree that will give her shade when it's hot. I placed a wind chime in the branches, because I love the sound and it's comforting to me. I also had her a little stone made and placed it at the head of her grave. I'm attaching a picture of it. It's real granite and I wish I could have afforded to get a bigger one with her picture on it, but this will do. How I do miss her, tho, as I know you miss Skye. Hopefully, we can both find comfort on this site and share our stories together. Thank you for all your posts and sympathy. I hope you have a good day!post-16680-0-26444000-1398387641_thumb.j

  3. Oh, my Skye was incredibly beautiful!! The other dogs are too and I love white shepherds. Dogs show you their heart in their eyes and I guess that's why we fall so madly in love with them. They don't hide anything. I'm truly sorry for your loss, I know how much you must miss him.

  4. Thank you KayC, so does your Skye. Was he a husky? He was absolutely gorgeous! One day I was in Pet Smart and I could hear this dog "talking" long before I met them and she was a husky, named Maiya after the character in "Eight Below" with Paul Walker. If you've never seen it it's so worth watching, I love it! They have such distinctive voices and are so comical sometimes. There's a bunch of videos on YouTube of a husky named Mishka and if you type in your search "Are you stupid, Mishka?" you'll see the funniest video ever! They come so close to actually talking! Anyway, Skye certainly was a beauty and I'm sorry for your loss too. I can't believe that on April 23 it will be six months since Jenna passed away. If it's going to get better I wish it would hurry up. Hope you are having a good week. Talk later!

  5. Thank you, KayC, I guess we all feel the same about our dogs, don't we? I've taken thousands of pictures of Jenna and when my Mom was still here I would always take a new batch up to show her and I'd say "No wonder I think Jenna is beautiful......she is!" and Mom would laugh. But I'm sure not everyone saw the appeal!

  6. post-16680-0-64474300-1397352053_thumb.jpost-16680-0-29005300-1397352095_thumb.jpost-16680-0-06724000-1397352111_thumb.jpost-16680-0-89492600-1397352156_thumb.jpost-16680-0-18406700-1397352227_thumb.jpost-16680-0-07072600-1397352282_thumb.jpost-16680-0-59139800-1397352338_thumb.jpost-16680-0-87360400-1397352431_thumb.j

    If these pictures show up, most of them are of my Jenna. The one where I'm wearing a purple shirt was her last day with me, taken after going to the vet. The little dog with the upright ears is Brandi, mother of both my dogs. Misty, and I only included two pictures, was the last dog I lost. She had cognitive dysfunction which kinda made her like a dog with Ahlzeimer's but she was the sweetest thing even before that. I had to keep track of her at all times cos she would get into a spot she couldn't get out of and then I'd have to rescue her! I miss my babies!

  7. Thank you all for your suggestions. I really do want to share some photos because of course my dog was beautiful! To me, she was and I knew every expression on her little face.

    Also, does anyone know if there are regular live discussions on here and if so, what time? I'm on e.s.t. time. I love to write and post because I can say anything I want, but I also think it would be good to be in a real-time conversation too. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks! Balto

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss and that it had to happen that way. It's so hard to lose a pet and then to always have to say "what if" just makes it so much worse, but I feel like we all probably do that. Please don't carry the grief alone for his passing, things happen sometimes and that's all there it to it. I am so angry that the driver of the red truck didn't have the decency to stop and at least apologize. I wouldn't have blamed him for the accident, he probably couldn't have stopped, but it was his obligation as a decent human being to stop and tell you he was sorry. Years ago I had a dog who was on the opposite side of the road as me after being missing for several days and I was so glad to see her I called to her and she immediately ran into the road just as I looked and saw a car coming. It was over in seconds but the driver stopped and was very apologetic. It doesn't cost anything to be a good person but sadly too many don't care. Try to remember all the good times with Duke and maybe you could put up signs or something around your neighborhood urging drivers to watch out for pets, that might make you feel like something good came out of such a tragedy. In the end we all deal with grief in our own way, and I hope that you find a way that makes it tolerable for you. God bless you.

  9. I tried to reply to each post but I'm not sure they posted correctly, but if I missed you please don't feel that it was intentional. I loved reading each post from you and for the first time in over five months I feel a little sense of relief that maybe this burden of grief will not be mine alone anymore. Thank you ALL so much for your kind words and comments and if I can be of help to you I hope you'll let me. You're truly kind and caring people.

    p.s. I don't see an option for posting pictures. Can someone tell me how it's done on this site?

  10. Hi,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you are feeling. I loss my first dog Bran June 2012 and my third dog Charlie July 2013. I have only my little girl dog Gigi left. It has been so difficult to deal with their loss. I don't think anything or anyone can prepare you for this. I too had no one to talk to about my feelings. The pain is more than I could bare some days. To me it is no different than losing a human. My dogs were loving beautiful souls and I am sure yours were too. Most people don't see animals as living feeling beings. I had my share of people telling me that they were just dogs. They were my family, my babies and I loved them very much. I don't know if I can tell you that it gets better but it does get easier. I miss them every day but I also know that you don't have control over death and when it occurs. I know that I did not want them to suffer and sometimes it is taken out of your control. Some days you may feel angry and then you will have days of complete sadness and then a few days may sneak in with some acceptance. I believe my babies are in heaven with my dad and sister and some day I will see them again. I hold on to my memories and I really don't care what anyone thinks. I loved and still love them. People that really love you will support you. Light a candle for your baby and have a memorial. Talk about your dog and what he meant to you. I had my dogs cremated and placed in a urn. I then held a memorial in my home with my immediate family. I know it did not mean as much to them as it did to me but they attended and it does help to give you some closure and to honour their life. I hope it helps some. You are not alone.

    I am so grateful to you for answering my post and giving me an outlet for my feelings. Sometimes grief is so deep that it's actually difficult to share face to face and doing it anonymously is the only way. I don't know what the future holds for me as far as another dog but I do know I'm nowhere near ready. I still do alot of crying, especially at bedtime, I swear I can still feel their weight against me!, and I don't want another dog right now, I still just want MY dog. So until I can get past that I guess I will have to get used to sleeping alone. I have hundreds of pictures but will not torture anyone by sharing all of them (haha), but I will share some from time to time. I hope that whatever loss you are recovering from will get better for you too. Please share anything you'd like with me. It does help to know you're not alone.

  11. I am so sorry that you have lost both of your dogs, Jenna and Misty. You have come to a site where there are many pet lovers who have also lost their precious animals. Each one of us who post here on the ‘loss of a pet’ thread talk about the emptiness we feel because a part of our family is gone.

    It will take time for you to adjust to this double loss. I am sure you have many wonderful memories to share of your pets. Do you have pictures? Tell us more about Misty and Jenna.

    I have found that it does not make a difference if you have had your pet for a short time or a longer time. When the pet is loved time is not a factor. I adopted my Benji and had him with me for only a year. The little guy had seizures that could not be controlled. I do not have him now and I miss him.

    There are many here who will tell you stories. We consider the pets we have a part of our family.


    In my profile picture Jenna is on the left and Misty is on the right. There were three in the litter and my brother had her, they were all girls. My Mom's dog, a chihuahua, was the mother, altho there is a little bit of terrier in there obviously. Mom named all the dogs and took Jenna's name from the animated movie "Balto" and it just always suited her. Misty actually belonged to my Mom until she passed away in 2009 and then my Dad took care of her, but as she grew older and suffered cognitive dysfunction I brought her to my home and kept her for nearly a year and came to love her very much. So there is a connection there between both dogs and my mother which makes the loss much greater. These dogs had the sweetest temperaments of any dogs our family had ever had, they were just so gentle and loyal. I really look forward to sharing my story with you and others here and thank you so much for giving me a chance to do that. Please have a wonderful weekend and share with me your story as well. Thank you so much!

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing one fur any is tough and you have to be feeling very overwhelmed with the loss of two. You are more than welcome to pour out your feelings here. You have found a circle of wonderful, caring people who understand loss...be it a beloved person or pet. People here will respond but in the meantime do feel free to tell us about your dogs, post some pictures and tell us what happened. Again I am so very sorry. Check in here often and in time other members will post.


    You found a great group of people here. We have all been through it, and know what youre going through, and know how difficult it is.

    It feels great just to tell your story, to a supportive group who understands your situation. Im sure everyone here would love to know about Jenna and Misty, and see some pictures of them :)

    Thank you for taking notice of my story and I certainly will post pictures and look forward to talking more about my sweet babies. Have a wonderful day!

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing one fur any is tough and you have to be feeling very overwhelmed with the loss of two. You are more than welcome to pour out your feelings here. You have found a circle of wonderful, caring people who understand loss...be it a beloved person or pet. People here will respond but in the meantime do feel free to tell us about your dogs, post some pictures and tell us what happened. Again I am so very sorry. Check in here often and in time other members will post.


    Thank you so much for replying to my post. As soon as I started reading the replies my heart just lifted and I felt right away that I was among friends and that is so important to me! I will post pictures of my darlings and would love to see any of yours too. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  14. Hi, this is my first time ever in a support group so I'm not really sure what to do. I'd like help with coming to terms with the loss of my dog Jenna at 16 1/2 whom I lost on October 23, 2013 and then her sister Misty on February 20, 2014. I don't really have anyone to just let loose and pour out my feelings to, so it would be so nice to talk to someone here who has suffered the same type of loss. I hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks!

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