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Posts posted by sroles83

  1. That is so sad. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad to know you did everything you could to help that poor dog.. I've heard so many stories about cops shooting dogs for no reason. You heard a gun shot, so I really do believe he killed that poor innocent dog. I agree with you, it is a sad world we live in.. That's why I tend to love my animals more than most people. People can be so cruel and heartless.. But our fur friends are always there for us.

  2. some days I'm okay, but the next I'm not.. I started crying today thinking about him as I was driving down the road. even though its been almost a year now, the images of him bring struck by that pick up are still clear in my mind.. I've been talking to my husband about getting a tattoo in memory of duke.. I would love to get a dragonfly with dukes name next to it (since he always loved to chase them). I think doing that would really help me :)

  3. we did get duke's grave back in order.. I had remembered the name of one of the campers that were there that night, so I messaged him via Facebook the next day and told him how upset I was to find that mess there that morning and how upsetting it was to see they had pulled rocks off of duke's grave to make their fire pit. he was extremely apologetic and said he had told his friends how rude it was to take Rocks from off the grave, but he said they didn't listen to him..he also said he would talk to his friends and ask them to never have a fire there again... one of my family members made a suggestion to rake some wildflower seeds over the burnt area of grass where the campers had their fire.

  4. last night, the 4th of July, my husband and I went out to the lake where we buried Duke, wanting to shoot off some fireworks in memory of him... it's just a small lake where he used to love to run and chase the dragonflies.. when we got out there, we found some young kids with a camper there.. they had a fire going right by duke's grave.. we told them that was our dog buried there.. we decided to just go home since others were camping there... we went back there this morning only to find their burnt logs, and their trash scattered all around, right next to our duke.. the worst part was seeing they had taken rocks off of his grave to make a ring for their firepit..I don't know how people can be so heartless..I mow the area around his grave so it's not overtaken by weeds and grass. I do this in memory of him.. they could've built their fire anywhere..

  5. Mary, I agree with you, when others join and share their stories, that helps us.. I feel when I have nobody else to talk to about this, I know I can count on everybody here to help me through it. that means so much. you have helped me tremendously, and I will continue to journey with you to get through my hardships and to try and help others as well. -Sarah

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your dog ,Jack.. your story breaks my heart because our dog, duke, died in a similar situation, he was hit and killed by a pickup when I took him out swimming one day. I understand the guilt you feel, as I have felt the same thing. wishing I would've done things different, so he'd still be here today.. its still hard almost a year later.. what helps me cope, is knowing how much I loved him and knowing that he knew how much I loved him.. we never want anything bad to happen to our beloved pets, as they are apart of our families..this site is truly a blessing because you can talkto others who know what you are going through.. we are always here for you. I pray that you find comfort..

  7. I want to thank you all for your continued support...this site is really a blessing, i'm so thankful i can come here to chat about my duke....kayc, thank you for sharing that story with me, it just breaks my heart to hear about your fluffy..i wish our furry, four legged friends could live forever....i had tucked duke's toys away, but yesterday i was looking for something and came across them. The bumblebee toy i had tossed for him to fetch before i left for work that morning, the rubber bottle i had gotten for him when i was on vacation in nc, the half eaten bones i had got him for his birthday 2 weeks before he passed, the leash i had him on that horrible day, his collar with that has a bloodstain on after the accident...i would do anything to have him here again....i was at the lake a couple weeks ago, where duke is buried and a small dragonfly flew in my car, (duke was always chasing after dragonflies), i started to cry immediately, but at the same time it brought me comfort because i felt like he was there with me.

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss and that it had to happen that way. It's so hard to lose a pet and then to always have to say "what if" just makes it so much worse, but I feel like we all probably do that. Please don't carry the grief alone for his passing, things happen sometimes and that's all there it to it. I am so angry that the driver of the red truck didn't have the decency to stop and at least apologize. I wouldn't have blamed him for the accident, he probably couldn't have stopped, but it was his obligation as a decent human being to stop and tell you he was sorry. Years ago I had a dog who was on the opposite side of the road as me after being missing for several days and I was so glad to see her I called to her and she immediately ran into the road just as I looked and saw a car coming. It was over in seconds but the driver stopped and was very apologetic. It doesn't cost anything to be a good person but sadly too many don't care. Try to remember all the good times with Duke and maybe you could put up signs or something around your neighborhood urging drivers to watch out for pets, that might make you feel like something good came out of such a tragedy. In the end we all deal with grief in our own way, and I hope that you find a way that makes it tolerable for you. God bless you.

    Balto, I am so sorry to hear about jenna and misty.. I want to thank you also for the kind words, they mean so much.. losing one precious dog is so hard. I can't imagine your pain losing two.. you mentioned having your dog missing for several days, and when you found her and called out to her she ran into the road, was that your jenna? losing duke was so hard, i just wish the driver of that red truck had stopped and apologized..I know it wouldn't have made things easier, but, knowing he didn't even care to stop makes it harder because he just seen "some dog" standing on the side of the road, not knowing that this beloved animal was apart of my family.

  9. Thank you, Kay and Marty for your continued support....Marty, I have reflected on your words, and no, I don't ever want to "get over" losing my friend, Duke...I thank you for putting that into perspective for me..I would never want to "get over" the love I have for him and the wonderful memories I shared with him...I don't know that i'll ever let go of the guilt of taking him out that day.. My husband,who loves duke as much as I do, was working on the road, a few hours away from home when duke died..I had to call him while he was working and deliver the tragic news that our beloved friend was gone.. My husband blamed me for awhile, saying that if he'd been home, he would've never taken duke out swimming that day because it was so windy.. He told me if i would've asked him, he would've said to keep duke safe at home. If only i would've asked him first :(

  10. I called the breeder we got duke from the following day after he passed away, asking if he had a new litter of puppies. it just so happened he did..we brought Sadie home a couple days later..she has the same parents as duke, so we have his little sister with us now.. she helped us through duke's death and we love her dearly..but, we still miss him so much.

  11. I want to thank you all for your thoughtfulness and kind words, they mean so much to me, and it really does help to talk to others who know what I am going through.. i am truly sorry for the loss of your beloved pets as well, there are no words I can say to take the pain away..Duke was like our child and our best friend. he was there for us when we went through our 2nd miscarriage. I truly believe he helped us through that..i was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time I witnessed him being stuck and killed by this pickup. I probably shouldn't have carried him to my car that day considering the state I was in, but i loved him so much that i wanted to do everything i could for him. my doctor sent me to see a psychiatrist because i was so depressed after his death. I am very thankful that my pregnancy continued to go smoothly after all this happened..we have a beautiful, 5 month old baby girl now..sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me because i still cry over him even though we have a beautiful baby?..he stayed up with me all those sleepless nights while i was pregnant.. i cry when i drive by the clinic i brought him to that day. i cry when i hear a song on the radio i used to sing to him. i dont know if i can ever get over losing him. will i ever get over losing him?

  12. Our Duke had just turned 1 year old two weeks prior to the accident..I made him a birthday cake, wrapped presents for him and videotaped him opening them..during the two weeks after his birthday, 1,he had a sore foot, (which he made well known by putting it in our faces all the time, we felt so bad for him and wanted to take away his pain), 2, we had brought him to the vet to get neutered because we were always so afraid he'd run off..He was so strong-willed, like a child to us, and our best friend..That fateful day, I took him out swimming, I felt so bad that he had been cooped up in the house for almost two weeks straight, and I just wanted to take him out and let him swim and get rid of some of his energy..I always worried something bad would happen since this swimming hole was right next to a highway, but he loved it there..He swimmed for maybe a couple minutes and then took off running down the road. I seen a truck coming, so I called him to me and he came..I had him by the collar and said "good boy", as the truck drove by..The truck went by so I let his collar go, never thinking he would still go after it..but, he did......he went down the road after this truck at what seemed like was 100mph..I screamed at him to come, but he didn't listen. I jumped in my car quickly to chase after him, blaring my horn, praying the whole time that there would be no oncoming traffic! I finally caught up to him, about the same time I seen a red pickup truck approaching, Duke was standing on the side of the road preparing to lunge at and catch this pickup that he saw approaching him..( many times when he was riding in the vehicles with us he would see a car approaching and lunge at the window, but we didn't think anything of it at the time....we didn't know that this behavior would eventually lead to his death)...He lunged towards this pickup and was struck by it..my heart immediately sank..i thought " THIS IS NOT HAPPENING".."THIS CANT BE HAPPENING"!!! I seen him get hit by this truck, it happened so fast. I remember him standing on his hind legs and then falling over onto the highway.. I got out of my car, calling out his name, saying "oh no,oh no"..I think he was still breathing when i got to him, but i'm not sure..I scooped him up in my arms, i clearly remember the smell of him, and i knew he was gone at that point. the red pickup truck never stopped or even slowed down after hitting him.. after hitting my beloved friend, how could someone be so HEARTLESS..i carried my beloved friend to my car and drove to the nearest vet clinic, hoping that when i got him there that there would be something they could do to save him..The whole car ride to the vet clinic i was rubbing his back, saying "duke, wake up, PLEASE WAKE UP"..i arrived at the vet clininc stating my dog had been hit by a truck, so they called the vet to come there..the vet told me duke was gone..they carried him from the car to the clinic while i was on the phone with my husband...i went into the clinic and seen duke laying on a blanket on the cold hard floor..the vet and the technicians tried to comfort me.. they gave me some time alone with duke..i was on my knees crying, telling him how sorry i was as i took his collar off..i kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye... a few days later we picked him up to bury him, it was so horrible seeing them carry his body to my car in a black plastic bag. he didn't deserve this! he did nothing but love us! Why did i take him out that day!? I should've kept him safe at home! I'm sorry my dear friend. I will never forgive myself.

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