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Posts posted by Thwrangler

  1. I know how your are feeling too. 

    my mom died on Nov. 3rd she was 66. 

    Its been hard for me too. Her birthday was 9 days ago and it was extremely hard. 

    She was cremated also. My dads got her ashes but my brother and I also have some of her ashes in matching urns.  I stare at her everyday and miss her so much. 

    Trust me you're not alone. I feel you're pain. PM me if you want to talk. It could help both of us!

    hope u feel better. 

  2. Well today would have been my moms 67 birthday. 

    And tomorrow she will be gone for exactly two months. 

    Its been so hard these past two months. 

    I miss her so much and I still blame myself for her dying. 

    It's been so hard on me since this all started on June 12th (4 days after my birthday).  She was in and out of the hospital for 2 straight months!  

    I am so sad and lost without her especially today!

  3. I know how you all feel. I'm in the same boat. 

    Lost my mom Nov. 3rd. And I cry all the time too. 

    My job went out of business oct 1st. So I have nothing but time to sit around and feel like crap. 

    I doubt life will get any better any time soon for me. Since I lost my mom who was like my best friend. 

    I guess I should hope for better but I don't see anything positive nowadays 

  4. Well Xmas has come and gone. And it was harder than I thought it would be. For me it's almost been 2 months and I still cry almost everyday thinking about her. 

    I miss everything about her!  

    The last 4 months of her life was so draining on all of us. She had open heart surgery, kidney failure and was put on dialysis. All this and she was only 66.

    i have voicemail messages on my phone that she left me months ago but I just can't listen to them since I will cry all day. 

    She was such a wonderful mother and I miss her so much 

  5. 21 hours ago, kayc said:


    I read where your husband admits having a problem with drinking, but I don't see where he said he'd get help for it, did I miss something?


    I don't know why their birthdays have to fall so close...my husband's birthday was five days before his death day, which landed on Father's Day, so for me, June is my dreaded month.  I'll be thinking of you as you go through Christmas and your mom's birthday.  Was there something your mom liked to do on her birthday?  Maybe you could do it, in her memory.  Sometimes even fixing their favorite meal in their memory helps.

    Thank you Kayc!

    I'll appreciate you thinking about me during Xmas and her birthday. We would have her come over and we would cook her dinner and cake and presents. She loved daisies. 

    Its so hard right now because I'm home now because my job closed end of sept so I sit here thinking about her and get so sad and cry.

    she was my rock and my whole life. 

  6. I feel hopeless too. Lost my mom 6 weeks ago and it still hurts. 

    She he was my best friend and we talked about everything.  Xmas is going to be so hard. I don't know how I will handle it. Then her bday would have been Jan 2nd. These next couple weeks will be so hard. 

    I hope we will all be ok with our losses.  

  7. Moms angel

    I know how you are feeling. My mom passed on Nov 3rd and I blame myself for her passing. I took her away from her home for an overnight getaway, she so needed after being in the hospital for almost 2 months. She was home for almost 2 months and she wanted to go away with us for a night. She had a stroke 6 hours after we arrived to the hotel.  Maybe she wouldn't have had a stroke if she was home. 

    She he was my best friend and the one of the only people who would call me or text me everyday.  Thanksgiving was hard but Xmas will be the worst. Then her birthday would have been Jan 2nd and that day I will be extremely sad. My life sucks now...her passing and my job closed so I'm home sad thinking of her all day!

    lifes not fair. 

    We should chat sometime if you would like!


  8. I'm trying my best. But some days I can't help but cry most of the day.   I hope the pain will go away and so will the guilt I carry about taking her away for the night.


    she was best friend and only person I could talk to about anything.

    i wish I had a warning so I could have enjoyed the finally few days with her more than I did. 

    When she was in the hospital back in June for her surgery. She was there for almost 2 months....I went up to see her everyday but two days. I kick myself that I didn't go those other 2 days!

    then when she came home for 3 months before she died I would go over her house almost every day to make sure she was feeling ok and I also would take care of her weekly pill holder for each day and turned down her bed sheets. I miss her so much. 

    My my life will never be the same. 


    Thank you everyone for the kind words!

  9. Stacey,


    i know now how you are feeling also. 

    I lost my mom one month ago and I'm totally lost. I don't know what to do. I cry every day and miss her so much. 

    She was my best friend and closest person in my life. I hurt so much. 

    She was only 66.

    In the past 6 months she went thru so much. Triple bypass and value replacement. Then had to go on dialysis. She went home feeling good for 2 months and then we went on a one night getaway with my family and she had a massive stroke that late afternoon at the hotel. 

    I blame myself for taking her away from her house for the night. I feel it was my fault she died!!!!


    ill probably live with that blame the  rest of my life. 


    I I miss her so much it will never get better!



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