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Posts posted by Meme

  1. Thank you for your kind words it's nearly two months since she has gone it's really hit me hard today as I know now in my heart she is gone forever and have lost such a good friend and companion I loved her so much. Thanks again to all of you and your kind words 

  2. I'm wrapped in her blanket ( can still smell her) and have one of her toys next to me. When I got in I shouted her and the realization hit she's gone forever. My heart is breaking but with the help of all you wonderful people and kind words I will keep re-reading all your comments in the hope one day I can wake without tears in my eyes and remember just the good times and feel no guilt. Thank you once again everything is helpful

  3. Hi guys hope you all have a lovely weekend. This is the first weekend on my own in the house I'm going to try the meditation really hope it helps I feel exhausted at the moment really hope time does heal the heartbreak of her not being with me take care all x

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  4. Thank you Marty you are all so kind I will definitely have a look im finding it very hard to concentrate and stop the tears from falling just hope my baby knew I had to let her go because I loved her and didn't want her suffering no other reason. I keep hoping I will feel her  presence around the house but nothing. Thanks again to everyone don't think I could have coped without this forum 

  5. Thank you for your kind words she was my last pet the other one I also had to put down due to Cancer 5 years ago but had her to comfort me during that sad time. Unfortunately I lost both my parents 5 years ago this June and December and friends don't really understand as they have never had pets. I am picking up her ashes next week and will definitely hold a memorial for her I didn't even think of that or buying a plant. All of you are so kind and I am so happy I found this forum to talk about her as I'm so lost without her. Thank you so so much 

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  6. Thank you you have been very kind your words have kept me going knowing there is hope. I will try the meditation and see if that helps my world revolved around Suzie especially the last few years when she got older she was my first priority before anyone else and myself. Thanks again for all your help it is very much appreciated 

  7. Hi

    My 15 year old Furbaby (cat) Suzie hadnt been well for months lost lots of weight and really hasn't seemed happy or being herself hiding and not enjoying life or cuddles like she use to. The vet came and put her to sleep last Wednesday she had pale gums which meant she either had failing organs and had a lot of pressure on her heart due to this but I'm ridden with guilt as I should of asked for other options she seemed herself just half an hour before the vet came I'm devastated and feel I've done the wrong thing. I did ask the vet if she felt that was the right thing and she said yes if she hasn't been herself how can I stop feeling this way. I'm devastated I miss her so much I miss her company and the way she always loved me and I loved her with all my heart. She was with me when my parents died 4 years ago and was my rock and my world I couldn't have gotten through it without her. My heart is breaking I won't see her again
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