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Posts posted by Kariaries

  1. I am so sorry. I am grieving with you. My angel was taken from my children and I on Tuesday. My boyfriends pit bull attacked and killed my baby. Being at home seeing the horrible scene replay over and over is torture. I can feel the pain you are feeling. I wasn't sure where to go to talk through my grief. I wasn't sure people would understand the mourning of a pet. You are in the right place to get the support you need to help you work through this time. Your sweet kitty was beautiful. I am so sorry for this terrible loss. I think all we can do is take one moment at a time and try to keep our lives going right now, and hopefully smiles and happiness will come again.

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  2. The dog has been fine around a family members dog, but has shown signs of aggression towards other animals. We were asleep when Houdini got out, and did not see what happened, only found him after the damage was done. The dog has never bit a person before, however I have always been concerned he may have been abused by previous owners. He constantly has his ears down and tail between his legs, even when my boyfriend comes home and comes to pet him. He always seems scared. I worry he may become too scared at some point and bite, and although my children are teenagers, it does worry me it could be one of them. 

    I actually did schedule counseling for myself and my daughter already is in counseling and had an appointment set up for next week. Thank you for all of you advice.

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  3. Thank you both for your kind words. Every day I cry a little less. The moments looking for humans finding him replay over and over in my mind.  I had to have my boyfriend take the dog elsewhere, and I'm not sure how I will handle it when the dog comes back. My daughter has moved to a friends and refuses to come back. She can't deal with seeing where her angel was so brutally hurt, and can not face the dog. The recording was very helpful. I will read more in the links also. I miss him so much, and just ache knowing how he suffered, so unfairly. Part of me wants to adopt another cat, give my love and save another angel, fill the hole in my heart. But I know that if the dog comes back, he will just harm that cat too. I crave the day I will genuinely smile and feel happy again.

  4. Hi. I came here hoping for a little peace. My family adopted a beautiful, sweet Maine Coon mix December of 2014. My boyfriend paid the fees as my daughters Christmas gift. We fell in love. Houdini was the sweetest cat, so loving and trusting. We adored him. This past weekend, we combined families and moved in with my boyfriend, who has a pit bull mix. I researched and researched the best way to move Houdini so he would be safe and not have too much anxiety, I did everything I could. I set up my daughters room, which is where he typically slept, first, put all of his items in there, brought him and had him in the room with the door closed so he could get used to things slowly. He adjusted well. We put up a baby gate so the dog couldn't get in the room, when we were home, we would once in awhile, open the door and allow them to see each other. Otherwise the door was closed. We were going to slowly introduce them by having them eat with the gate between them bringing their food closer and closer together until they were more comfortable. Monday night, my daughter left her bedroom door cracked. She thought Houdini would
    Be too scared to go out. He wasn't. Around 4:30
    In the morning, I heard noises. I jumped out of bed, as did my boyfriend. When we found Houdini, the dog had gotten him and he was clearly badly injured, lying in his own urine. I scooped him up and rushed him to the animal hospital. After a day of stabilizing and surgery, the internal injuries were just too severe and Houdini gave up the fight. I am so struggling with this loss, with the images, with the unfairness of him losing his life in such a horrific way. I have guilt, anger, and severe depression. I don't know how to come back from this. Please,
    Any advice anyone had would be so appreciated.

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