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Posts posted by Tomtomyes

  1. Martyr T thank you so much I have looked at many links to just get an idea of how to come back to myself. That video is amazing and animals are amazing . I just hope he went okay and wasn't in any sort of pain .

    Thanks again .

    • Upvote 2
  2. Thanks Cheryl .

    I accept it will take a long time I'm just home from work now and it's the time I would hear him calling for me so it's a bit difficult. People don't realise that just talking to people who have been through the same situation it feels good . 

  3. Thank you for your kind words they mean alot . If we had more people who care in this world like you the world we be a different place. I am sorry for all your loses and it seems you have found comfort in one form or another which is great. 

    I feel if I open up about him and how we where as a unit it brings me some sort of release to the section of oxytocin in my brain . 

    I also have this picture framed on my wall a long time now which is comforting. I will sadly missed him and my other dogs will to but I have one thing to look forward to and that's his pup . She was born 7 weeks ago and I just hope she grows up to be just like him .

    I appreciate your help and kind words they really mean a lot to me .

    Thank you very much 


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  4. Thanks Cheryl for your support. Sorry for your loss 12 years is a very long time but a least he had a long life . I also have pictures of him on my wall that I will cherish forever.  

    It's been 3 days now does it get any easier because now I still feel sick .

  5. Hi just like to share my story . I had jack a whippet Cross since the day he was born we done everything together and he always stuck by my side. We where best friends. Unfortunately jack broke his leg 2 nights ago and I done everything I could to get the right treatment but unfortunately Jack died under mild sedation.  Suddenly and very much unexpected I am without my best friend , I open up my door now to silence to pain. I am hurting so much I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye and one last hug . People say he's only a dog to them yes but to me he was my world my boy and he didn't deserve to go :(. 8 special years. 03/10/16

    I loved him so much and will miss him so much. Heartbroken is an under statement. 

    I'd like some help from people who have lost their beloved pets how do you cope with this overwhelming sadness



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