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Posts posted by Sweetie_01

  1. Thank you for your kind words.Her name was Sweetie. She was a terrior mix. She used to growl at new people until they would reach out and try to let her sniff their hand, then she would roll over and demand they rub her tummy. Sheloved to sleep in boxes and laundry baskets. She loved riding in the car (it was the only way we could lure her back if she got out of the fence). She snored like an old man and loved to hog the covers and I really miss that when I go to bed.






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  2. My dog had to be put down four days ago. My dad brought her home when I was in the eighth grade. She had been jumping up and down in front of the corner store he worked at. He brought her home "temporarily" you know "just until we find her owners or a new home". We found out her owners had moved and left her -probably due to the heart worms we found out she had when we took her to the vet. She was supposed to be my dad's dog, but my dad had to work a lot and my step-mom was always taking her kids to see her mom. Since I was home a lot and she had to be in the kennel and have limited amount of exercise (due to her heart worm treatment) I ended up taking care of her and she ended  up becoming my dog. She was by my side for over 16 years and loved me unconditionally the whole time. Four days ago, she had a stroke and couldn't move any part of her body. We had her put down and I cried that morning. I went to work later that day and I was sad, and I cried some, but I was okay. However, later that night I returned to an empty home and I cried hysterically. Like, it had just happened. And, I've been crying ever since. I can't eat and my heart hurts. My family has said they're sorry for my loss and that she's in a better place and she had a good life. None of those things help. Someone even told me that I should have been prepared for it, seeing as she's so old and has had some health problems. I know I probably should have been, but I feel like I wasn't. I hate going to sleep in my room. Actually, I haven't been in my room for longer than five minutes since it happened. My sister suggested that I try one of these websites. I know that I'm not the only who has loved a pet or lost a pet, but I just feel so sad and angry, and I'm not really sure what to do.

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