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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by M&B

  1. We just lost our 14 year old Iggy yesterday (jack Russell/beagle mutt). We have no idea how to cope with this loss and have had a hard time leaving the bed/showering/eating. Each time I get out of bed there is something that reminds me of our baby and I lose it and can’t face the day. I came across this thread and have spent the last few hours reading through it and have found it therapeutic. The exact things you’re saying about Arlie are the exact emotions and thoughts I have about my Iggy. I am not a religious person and feel that I may be at a disadvantage of feeling that ‘God has him’ or that he’s in a place called heaven. I wish I cold believe that as I feel like it would help me immensely, but taking on religion for this loss is not going to happen. If there was a God they wouldn’t have taken away such a perfect, innocent and sweet creature. I have no idea how to reconcile this scenario without the crutches of religious beliefs. Its hard, but reading your story has been a bit more therapeutic for me during this difficult time. Thank you for taking the time to document you and Arlie’s story. He sounds like a fantastic soul and his personality reminds me of our baby. 

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