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Agathas mum

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Posts posted by Agathas mum

  1. I have just found this posts  because I was searching online because my little Agatha passed away so suddenly last Sunday and I am wracked with guilt. She had cancer and 20 sessions of radiation treatments which she sailed through and she got the all clear. On the day she got the all clear she was being so rumbunctious making a next on the sofa that she propelled herself backwards off the sofa and landed on her back. I rushed her too the vet and he said she had a small fracture on her spine but it would heal. She was a little 5lb chi mix. She seemed absolutely fine but  about 10 days later she developed kennel cough. But I was concerned about her back and I wondered if the fracture had gotten worse she was on antibiotics for the kennel cough but it seemed to linger finally I got painkillers for  her back but the vet seemed very perfunctory and only gave me painkillers because I asked . I would’ve thought that it would’ve been the thing to do when she had a tiny fracture. Her appetite seem to diminish somewhat and she was very quiet and I would make her meals to try and encourage her to eat which we really stinky dog food and cat food and peanut butter all mixed together but she wasn’t eating voraciously as she used to so I took her to the vet again because our eye looked strange and they said she had dry eye but she was in really really good shape they were slightly worried about her weight gave me an appetite stimulant which also I had to ask for and for me to come back in seven days to check on her weight. Even though she was tiny to stimulate her appetite I bought her rotisserie chickens which I just put on the floor and she attacked voraciously so I knew she had an appetite unfortunately she didn’t have much of a tongue left and only two teeth so I don’t know how much nutrition she got from them but she really enjoyed them she was loving them. I will never ever ever forgive myself because in retrospect she had a lot of pain in her back legs because she was finding it difficult in the last few days to stand up on the day that she passed away I had at home vet coming to see her because he was also an acupuncturist and it worked on a Nother dog of mine worked miracles on arthritis an appetite stimulant so I kept telling her it’s OK you’re going to be OK in a minute because Johnathon Vet is coming and you’re going to feel really good so I feel terrible that in the last few days she was in pain and I didn’t do anything about it I’ll never forgive myself ever

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