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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by KimS

  1. I want to thank everyone for their responses here. I am sorry that I haven't been able to respond in kind. But your messages helped me. I will heal. But on nights like tonight, when a deer was hit outside my house, my terrible memory of that day comes back. Be sure to show love to those around you. ❤️

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  2. Thank you C.F. I really appreciate your kind words. I know he did not want this to happen. I do want to think about all the good things and all the love she brought into my life instead of worrying over "what ifs". Sometimes it is just hard, that's how our minds are wired I guess. I am working on a shrine now and some of my friends brought over some beautiful plants to put at the roadside. Yes, it happened right outside our house, and I am scared I will have to think of it for the rest of my life. Hopefully I can cleanse that space and leave a lovely shrine to her. I will be getting her ashes tomorrow. She was such a good girl.


    And like many have said, night time is the hardest time.

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  3. On Sunday my sweet Clarice, 16 year old mini long-haired dachshund was killed by a car. She was blind and while we don't have a fence, she was old and didn't walk far to do her business... unless you stopped paying attention. Then she would wander off because she was a brave little soul and she trusted us to watch out for her.

    My husband took her out and got distracted. She walked into the road and was hit by a car; I believe she died instantly, though we rushed her to the emergency vet.

    My heart has never been so broken, not just because I lost her when she was perfectly healthy (we had just had a check up) and had many more years with us, but mostly because I don't know how to trust my partner ever again. This is my worst nightmare come to life. I want to stop remembering her limp body as we rushed her to the vet. I want to go back in time and stop this from happening. The person I most love and trust in the world hurt me. She should still be here.

    If anyone has anything they can say to help, I would be grateful. I don't want to blame him, I want to call it a horrible accident, but I don't know how.

    I plan to put a memorial in the yard. I also immediately called two fence installers to get estimates. None of it stops the pain.

    Thank you for this work you do,



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