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Posts posted by Sadness42

  1. Thank you kayc, i appreciate that. My mom unfortunately is very old school and has has never used the internet or even a cell phone. She has very strong faith and that seems to be giving her strength. I left her house today to come back to the city for work and it was the hardest thing i ever did. The idea of her closing the door behind me to an empty apartment must be so hard for her :(

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  2. For 42 years i have been lucky enough to be able to call my dad my best friend, and earlier this week In his 78th year, he was taken from me and the rest of our wonderful family.

    It all started a few years ago, my dad was having problems urinating. After much convincing from my mom, and my other 3 older siblings, he went to the doctor. Doctor stated he had an enlarged prostate so he would operate and remove 70% of it.  It was a relatively easy procedure and there was no cancer in the prostate.  
    fast forward to earlier this year, my father began seeing blood in his urine. He went to the doctor and they checked his prostate and said it seems normal, no need to worry. Blood test were taking and came back fine.

    about two months ago he began having pain in his groin, back and shoulders. He was also always tired and barely had the energy to get out of bed.  A little over a month ago, unable to handle to pain in his back anymore he went to the doctor once again and a battery of tests were taking.  The results were prostate cancer that mastasized  into his bones.  They said he also had a weak heart so treatments were not an option.  After spending one week at home on a hospital bed in his living room in constant pain and torture from the cancer, this very past Wednesday morning, he passed surrounded by his 4 kids and his wife of 56 years.  
    I was the baby of the family, dads pet as i was much nine years younger than my closest sibling.  We did everything together. He was always there for me, we spoke on the phone everyday.  My two teenage kids were like his very own children. They are also taking this so hard. The hardest part now is coming back to visit my mom and seeing her alone in the home. They were such a happy, close couple. Did everything together.  Now she is all alone. I am spending the weekend with her but have to go back home which is 2 hours away tomorrow to return to work.  I am so heartbroken to think of her sitting alone, waiting for him to come in the door as she described it yesterday.  2 of my other siblings live in the same town as her so they will visit, but she will be alone a lot :(.  
    i am not sure how life goes on when you lose your dad and best friend. Everywhere i look its a memory of him. He was the kindest, big  hearted man in the world.  My stomach is always upset with the reality i will never see him again. His chair sits empty in the living room. My world has been crushed and i am not sure how to move on. If anyone reading this has any advice i would greatly appreciate it. I wish you all peace and love. 
    Thank you

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