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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by roo

  1. Well

    Just to make matters worse. We were to receive Roo's remains. Unfortunately someone made a mistake and did a general cremation, meaning his remains were put with other pets. Now we don't get Roo back to have some final closure, if there really ever is. I'm anger about this and don't blame anyone, yet. It unfortunately brings up alot of emotions for myself that I wasn't expecting to deal with.

    Thanks for listening / reading.

  2. Shadow

    I've just lost my cat and I ride the wave of emotions. I can literally say that the life just seems less. Gone is the shine when the sun rises and sets. Gone is that fresh spring smell. Gone is looking forward to something new.

    Every once in awhile, not very often, I realize Roo taught me something. And for one brief moment I can smile. But alas, I come back to the real world and realize he's not here to share it me with.

    I can't feel your pain, but I know what mine is like, and it's not fun. You've not posted in some time so I hope some of the pain has disapated. For me I don't believe it will be ever gone.

    Best wishes.

  3. I just lost my best buddy yesterday, Roo. He was a great cat (black). He wasn't just a cat he was friend and companion. For us his cancer came on very suddenly and there was no treatment options. It's amazing how many things will remind me of him and then the realization of loss. With that comes off the emotions. I realize I'm just beginning in the cycle of grief and in time some of the sadness will be gone. But I sure do miss him.

    Thankyou for allowing me to ramble. My deepest sympathies to all that have lost a pet

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