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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Rita S

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Posts posted by Rita S

  1. Maylissa and Marty,

    Thank you BOTH so much for your support and kind, kind words, it really means a lot to me. Some days are easier than other days and some days it's all I can do to get thru the day. I still catch myself looking for her, calling her name and missing her more and more each day. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her. She was my very best friend and friends like that don't come along all too easily. There were times in my life that SHE got me thru and no one else. She has always been there for me; and I really miss that and her. I miss her companionship, her love, her loyalty, her eyes, her smile, I miss everything about her.

    I read other people's posts and it breaks my heart. I know their pain, I read it in their words, I feel it in their hearts and I hurt for them. I don't have the words for anyone other than I know what and how they are feeling. It's a deep, deep hurt and I truly feel for them.

    I am so glad we have here to come to, to grieve, to cry and know that everyone here feels what and how we do. Here we will never be told to "get over it" or to "move on and put it behind you" or anything that makes us feel like our feelings about our loss doesn't matter and for that I am forever grateful. Twix meant more to me than what I can put into words and I feel sorry for those out there who hasn't, can't and won't open their hearts to an animals' love. It's really their loss.

    Thank you all so very much!


  2. Hi Twix,

    On this date 2 years ago you passed away. I want you to know that I still think of you every single day. My heart still aches from the emptiness of you being gone. I love and miss you just as much today as I did 2 years ago.

    You are always on my mind, Twix.

    I love you always,




  3. Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl. You are 12 years old today! I love you and I miss you so much. We used to get you your own cake, do you remember that? We always had a candle on it for you too. You loved your cake and we love you sweetheart. We all miss you so much. My heart still aches from sadness from you being gone. There is and will always be an emptiness in my heart from missing you so much.

    I miss you with all of my heart, Twix. I love you - always and forever and I know that we will be together again someday and you can give me my "'dirl dawg kisses" I really miss them. I miss you following me around all over; I miss you waiting for me in the driveway to come home from work; I miss you looking all over the house for me when you come back inside from being outside; I miss when you are mad at me and snubbing me; I miss you coming into the bathroom with me when I shower; I miss snuggling with you; I miss the true love we had for one another, the loyalty and the friendship; I miss everything about you.

    I love you my sweet girl, and please always remember me for I will always remember you. Please come to me in my dreams, I love seeing you and knowing you are ok.

    I love you always my sweet baby girl,



  4. Elizabeth,

    Thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to ready my recent posts.

    I do miss Twix deeply. If you go to www.critters.com and do a search for Twix, you will see the web page I made for her. There are pictures of her there. She truly was a blessing to me and a sweet, sweet girl. She had a mind of her own, that's for sure.

    As for Brandon, Rod and I have been trying since 2003 to have him and he too is a blessing. I also believe that Twix had a hand in his arrival. He is such a joy.

    We did have a scare with him.....4 days after we brought him home from the hospital, he quit eating and ended up in the ER. He got down to 4 lbs. 5 ounces...and so they ended up admitting him to PICU and was in the hospital for 8 days. Talk about scary. I was so scared for my son. I prayed to God and to Twix to help him. He has been home for 9 days now and is doing really good. We are headed out the door to the doctor's office for a quick weigh-in and check up. He is my new bundle of joy and my gift from God and Twix.

    Please feel free to tell me more about your daughter, I'd love to hear about her.

    Thank you again so much and I hope to hear back from you.


  5. Today is exactly one year since I lost my sweet Twix. It's hard to believe that a year has gone by. I miss her so much still, and it still hurts. I still cry for her and probably always will.

    My life will never be the same without her, for she has touched my heart and my soul.

    We have had a new change in our house; a new addition to the family...

    I had Brandon Ryan Shear on Feb 20, 2008 at 1:03 pm by C-Section. He weighed in at 5 lbs, 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. In my heart, I believe that Twix helped send Brandon to me because she knew how much I wanted a baby.

    There is a new happiness in my life now, named Brandon, but there will always be an emptiness in my heart, a sadness and lonliness because Twix is no longer here with me. She will always be in my thoughts and my heart.

    I love her so much and I miss her deeply and I always will.

  6. Waabzy,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. You are right, my Twix was a sweetie, she was a very thoughtful, caring, kind, loving, fun dog and as I said, not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I too, felt my heart would explode when she passed away, and at times, I still feel that way. Some days it's all I can do to move on without her. Rod tells me that Twix would not want me to be this sad, and he's right, she would not want me to be sad. When I was sad, she was always the first to give me a hug and kisses. I miss them.

    I too, have built a memorial for Twix. I think I posted the link in a previous letter I wrote here, but just in case she is at www.critters.com do a search for Twix and you will find her.

    I would like to visit the memorial you have created, please let me know where I can, thank you!!

    I am so sorry for your loss as well. All of us here know what and how you are feeling; this site is a and has been a blessing for me. Just to know I am not alone in my feelings, grief and emptiness is very comforting.

    Once again, thank you very much.


  7. Hi everyone,

    Today is the 7th month anniversary since my sweet girl, Twix passed away. I think of her everyday and I still cry for her. I miss her so much. It's still hard for me to say "Twix passed away" the words seem unreal and untrue to me. I will always love her and she will always be in my heart and my soul.

    Last week we adopted a 6 month old female puppy from our local animal shelter. She is a pomeranian/Sheltie cross; she looks exactly like a baby fox and everyone says so too. She weighs in at a big whopping 10 lbs; she really is a blessing to me as I feel my heart healing some.

    Lela, that is the puppy's name, was born on March 23, six days after Twix passed away. My husband, Rod, says that Lela and Twix met in Heaven and Twix sent Lela to come live with us. It's funny, because I see some of Twix in her, some of her behaviors are so similiar to Twix - in a strange way, it's comforting to me.

    I check out our Shelter's website daily and when I saw Lela's picture, she spoke to me and to my heart. I called them immediatley and asked if they could hold her until Saturday, as they close at 5:00 and I don't get off work until 5:00 and could not make it there in time. She told me they only have a one day hold policy and she asked if we have filled out a match-making form, and I told her yes that that we had been there several times. She pulled my file and told me that they would stay open late if we would like to come and look at her that night and they also said they would love to adopt to us.

    Rod and I met there after work and both of us fell in love with Lela immediately. There were 3 other couples looking at her, but they were told that we had first pick becuase I had called them. So we took her home that night, and she has blended with our family as if she was meant to be there and as if she had been there. She was meant to be there with us.

    Our lab, Jenny, took to her immediately as well. She has been so lonely since Twix passed away. She misses having a canine friend to play with on a daily basis.

    Twix and Jenny used to play pretty rough; well Twix did. Jenny was always very careful because Twix was much smaller than she was. Lela and Jenny are trying to play the same way now too, but Lela gets scared becuase Jenny is so big. Lela will learn soon that Jenny won't hurt her. Heck, Twix used to grab Jenny's ears and bite and chew the heck out of them....Jenny's tail was always wagging. It's good to see Jenny happy again. Don't get me wrong, Jenny is a happy dog, but she has missed playing with another dog, and she is starting to again, and that does my heart good, really good.

    I know that loving an animal means that one day having a broken heart and I also know that some people avoid getting another animal to prevent that from happening. But I can't. I love them too much to be without them. So I have opened my heart again and it is filling up with love, joy and happiness. I will always have a sadness and an emptiness for my Twix, and she will never be replaced, nor will she ever be forgotten. I know that Lela and Twix met in Heaven and Twix sent her to us. That's my girl, always looking out for me, her mommy. I love her and I miss her and I always will.

    Not everyone understands the love we have for our animals and the loss we feel when they are gone. But everyone here does and I am so thankful I have a place to come and cry and write and not be told to get over it and that it's been a long time and I should be over it. I am so thankful for all of you who understand. I am also thankful that when I cry at home, my husband is there to hold me and cry too. He misses Twix so much too, I can see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice, feel it in his heart. She left an imprint on all of our hearts. I wish you all could have met her, you would have loved her too.

    Once again, thank you for listening to me pour out my heart for my special girl Twix and open my heart to a new love - Lela.


  8. Billi,

    You came to the right place to share, relate and to grieve. This place has been such a blessing for me and I know it will be for you too. It's helpful to know that others feel the pain, heartbreak, sadness, emptiness, loneliness, and all the other emotions that come with everything we are going through.

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you are going through and how you are feeling. I lost my girl, Twix, on March 17, 2007, and I still am hurting and crying because I miss her so much. She was only 11 when she passed away and I felt like (and still do) that I was robbed of some time with her. She was just 2 months shy of her 12th birthday. I miss her more and more each day. I made a memorial for her at www.critters.com it's another great place to help with all the emotions you are going through. Please check it out and check out my girl. She will like that you stopped by. I also posted a letter to her here on this site. It's entitled "How do I say goodbye and let go?" Writing the letter to Twix seemed to help me a little bit. I still cry when I read it and I probably always will.

    I am very sorry you had to go through the process of putting her to sleep. I am glad I did not have to make that decision. I prayed to God over and over if it was her time, to please just take her. I knew that if over the weekend she did not get better that come Monday, I would have to take her in, but God took her so I did not have to make that decision. But I too, would have been there with her, holding her, crying, telling her mommy will always love her and what a good girl she is. It's hard, still to come to terms that she is gone. I still cry. She was my world, my life, my baby and I miss her.

    It sounds like you and Sassy had such a strong bond and a wonderful relationship. She knew you loved her with all that you had and she loved you too; she still does. She may not be here in person, but her heart, her love, her soul and her memories will always be with you.....in your heart, your love, your memories and your soul. Cry when you need to, want to and feel like it, it's the best thing and it does help to get it out.

    I wish there was more I could say to help you, but the truth is, you are heartbroken and there isn't anything anyone can say to ease your pain. At least that's how it was/is for me. I miss my dog and nothing anyone can say to me can change that. Yes, she is with God, and yes, I will see her again one day, but the truth is I miss her now and want her now. But I know that can't happen and won't happen, but it doesn't change the way I feel.

    The poem you wrote is beautiful and a true testament on the love you two had for each other. My heart is going out to you. I feel your pain, your loss and I wish I could ease it, but I can't. But I can tell you that I am here for you.

    I am thinking of you and praying for you.


    p.s. feel free to e-mail me at rlp2014@hotmail.com if you want to talk some more.

  9. Hi everyone,

    I'm sorry it's been so long since I have wrote and/or replied, I really have no excuses, except for just still being heartbroken over the loss of Twix. It still hurts and I still cry and I really, really miss her. My world has been turned upside down since I lost her. I feel alone and empty still, even though I know I'm not. It's just that her and I had a special bond since we were alone, just her and I for so long.

    I have been reading everyone's stories and my heart breaks for each and everyone of you. The loss of Moki, Pino, Max and all the others that I can't recall off hand right now have left me in tears. In some sad, strange way it does help to know that others are going through the same loss and the same pain that I am. I don't want others to ever have to hurt and feel the pain and sadness that I am, but I also know that, that is impossible when we all love our "fur babies" (I love that term by the way) the way we do. Animals have such a huge impact on us, and their love and devotion is so strong.

    I think it was Maylissa who said that she would rather have her pets die first rather than herself die and have them go through the pain of missing her. I agree with that. Twix was always upset when I was not around. She would just sit outside and look up the driveway waiting for me. The thought of her doing that and me never coming home and the pain, sadness and maybe even abandonment she would feel just tears at my heart. She would not understand why I was gone and why I was not coming back to her, and that is more than what I can handle. We as humans can understand, but they can't and I would hate to break her heart like that.

    Maylissa also said that we don't have to say "goodbye" to them just because they have passed away. I was so happy and grateful to hear that. Just because my baby girl passed away doesn't mean that I have to forget about her. She is and always will be a huge part of my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I miss her so much and I think I always will.

    I have been looking for the past couple of weeks for another dog. Our lab, Jenny, really is lonely. I always said the next dog I get will be a rescue dog from our local shelter, so I have been keeping my eyes open. Yes, part of me feels guilty over the thought of having another dog. I don't want Twix to feel that we are going to forget her or that we are replacing her. I hope Twix knows that she will never, ever be replaced, in my heart our in our home. As much as I love animals, I know that I am able and capable of opening my heart and loving another dog. It's just the thought of hurting again when they pass away....it's a horrible heartbreak.

    I will be 40 at the end of this month (August) and for all of my life I have wanted a baby. I have 3 step-children, but I have always wanted a baby of my own and Twix knew that. I prayed all the time with her. Well, I found out about 4 weeks ago that I was 5 weeks pregnant. My baby is due the same week that Twix passed away. It would be awesome if my baby was born on March 17, 2008. Some friends of mine are saying that Twix knew how much I wanted a baby so she traded places so I could have one. Others are saying she went up there and had a talk with God and got things rolling. I don't know which one it is, but I am grateful to make one of my all time wishes come true. I still miss my girl and my heart is still broken, but I do believe she had some part in this miracle that is growing inside of me. God bless her for that. That's my girl, always thinking of me, always looking out for me.

    Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement, your kindness, your understanding, your tears, your love and your support. I don't think I could get through this without you.

    I have been busy making a memorial for Twix. Please, please stop by and visit her and see for yourself what a beautiful girl she was. Here is the link and if it doesn't work go to www.critters.com and do a search for Twix and you will find her.


    Again, thank you everyone for everything. I hope to stay in better touch with you all.


  10. Diana,

    I know exactly how you are feeling. Your Pino was your baby, as Twix was mine. It was just her and I for so long. I had to smile when you mentioned that Pino did not like any of your boyfriends, but immediately liked your husband. Twix was the same. Rod and Twix bonded instantly. I told him I was testing him when we met. If he did not like Twix and she did not like him, then I knew it would not work, but those two loved each other from the instant they saw each other. I have some awesome pictures of the two of them together that I will cherish forever.

    Twix passed away what will be 3 months on June 17 and I still cry for her. I miss her so much. I too, wonder if she is ok, safe, happy and taken care of. I have asked the Angels and God and her for a sign that she is ok and I still have not gotten one. When my Aunt Hazel passed away and my Aunt Anna passed away, I got signs from them that they were happy and ok, but I still have not gotten one from Twix and that upsets me so. My mom made me this beautiful picture.....it has the "Rainbow Bridge" poem on it and she put a rainbow in the background and 2 pictures of Twix on it, along with her date of birth and death. I hold on to the thought that Twix is waiting for me and I can't wait until her and are together again. I want to hold her, to pet her and to get kisses from her. Her little tongue gives pretty fast kisses and I miss them so. I still can't believe that she is gone and I don't know what to tell you about how to say goodbye and let go, because, my dear, I don't know how either. My heart is broken and shattered and I don't know how to fix it. They say time heals, but time is taking it's time, because my heart still hurts and I still cry. I know that Twix would not want me to be this sad, she always took care of me when I cried, she wanted me to be happy, but I don't know how to be.

    My heart aches for you and your loss of your baby. You gave him a wonderful life and he knew that, you have to believe that too. Where would he have been if not for you? You saved him and he saved you too. You had many, many years with him. His footprints will be in your heart for always. I am imagining you seeing him for the first time and his tail wagging when you called out to him; he knew he was saved! God bless you for that. Thank you!!

    Diana, you have to trust in your doctors and your soul that you made the right decision to put him to sleep. The pain he was in was too much and you once again saved him from anymore pain. You need to forgive yourself and know you did right thing. The wagging of his tail at the end when you sang to him, was him telling you he loved you. I don't think you betrayed him at all by having him put to sleep, it showed you loved him so very much as to end the pain he was in, knowing the pain it would cause you.

    The love we have for our pets, and the love they have for us is unconditional and when we lose them, we do lose a part of ourselves. I know that, because a part of me is gone and I don't know how to get that back.

    We need to get another dog because Jenny (our lab) is so lonely. We got Jenny when she was 8 weeks old, she will be 4 on June 14, so she has never been alone, she has always had Twix. She misses her so much, it breaks my heart. I feel that if we get another dog that I will be betraying my love and my loyalty to Twix; but for Jenny's happiness, we need to have another dog. There NEVER will be another Twix, as there NEVER will be another Pino, but we have to believe that they would want us to go on and be happy. I say goodnight to Twix every night and tell her I love her and I miss her. I hope she feels my love; even in Heaven. I have to hold on to the hope of seeing her again - that's what keeps me going - to see her again.

    Please know that my heart, my thoughts and my prayers are with you and they always will be. Our babies may be gone, but they will never be forgotten.

  11. How do I say goodbye and let go?

    My dear, precious girl Twix,

    I haven’t even started to write yet and I can feel my eyes start to flood with tears. Tears that represent sadness, emptiness, loneliness and a heart that is completely shattered.

    You entered this world on May 15, 1995, and you left quietly on March 17, 2007.

    You came into my life in November, 1996, and you were from day one, the one constant thing I knew I could count on. You were my very best friend from the first day I got you. Do you remember that day? You were in the “To Give Away” adds in the paper. You were the very first dog (how dare I call you a “dog” I know...sorry baby girl.) I called and the last. The day I brought you home, we stopped at a rest area, because I wanted to see if you had to go potty. I had you on a leash, but you never left my side. In all the years that I had you, you never left my side, and never required a leash. Where I was, you were, right there at my feet. I stepped on something in the laundry room the other day, and said “I am so sorry Twix”, then I realized it was not you, because you are not here anymore. I dropped to my knees and cried at the remembrance of you and the hole in my heart and my soul.

    The only place that I went that you did not go, was work. Even then, I did bring you a few times. I lied....I guess during the hot summer months, you did not go to town with me, only because if I had shopping to do, it was too hot to leave you in the car, so you stayed at home. Yes, you were mad at first, and you snubbed me for it, but within 15 minutes after I got home and held you on my lap, you forgave me and smiled at me and gave me kisses. I loved your kisses and I miss them so much.

    Everybody loved you Twix. There isn’t a person around who did not like you. You were so well behaved, so well mannered it amazed me. You always gave it your best to please me, you tried way harder than you ever had to. You, your love, your loyalty and your companionship pleased me more than you will ever know.

    For a long time, it was just you and I. You have been there for me when no one else has been. When I lost my Aunt Hazel, you were there right by my side. You would come sit on my lap, and put your head on my chest just to let me know you felt my pain and my sadness and to let me know you cared. You got me through what nobody else could.

    Do you remember the song I used to sing to you?

    I love you,

    You love me,

    We’re our only family.

    Till the Good Lord brings us a man of our own...

    You and I will be alone.

    We were too, we were alone together for quite a long time, before we met daddy, huh? Oh, Twix how he loved you too. There isn’t anything that he would not have done for you either.

    Do you remember the day we brought home that yellow 4-legged bundle of pure love and joy that we named Jenny? That rambunctious lab that she is. “She is your sisser” we told you. (We say sisser instead of sister.) You were not too sure about her at first, but then you and her became inseparable. She misses you so much. She lays under the computer desk where you used to sleep. She has cried. I have seen the tears in her eyes. She still looks for you. When we go bye-bye she still runs around the driveway, waiting for you to chase her and bark at her. She is quite bigger than you, but she was always gentle with you and she knew you were the boss and she respected that! You used to love to chase her around our yard, chase her and bark. She loved it too. She is quite lonely without you too. She is sad, and that breaks my heart.

    Remember the hair cuts we would take you in to get for the summer? You hated going there, but you always felt so much better when we come out. Especially when we were out fishing, you were much cooler. In the winter, you loved rolling in the snow and “rooting” it up with your nose. You had the best personality ever. I knew when you were mad at me, you let me know it. But you never stayed mad for more than 15 minutes. Just long enough for me to know better.

    I taught you so many tricks. Sit, speak, shake, shake other hand, roll over, but the one trick that you refused to do was fetch. I would throw the ball and you would give me the look “if you want it, you go get it” I loved that look. You refused to fetch. I always got a kick out of that.

    Remember Daddy calling you “Stubby”? He thought that was the perfect name for you. I used to call you Twixer-Lixer Girl Dawg or Punkin-Pie Girl Dawg. My favorite thing to call you was my very best friend. You always had a smile on your face at all times, unless you were mad at me.

    I loved how when you were outside and wanted in, you would bark. I would hide, and someone would let you in, and you would search and search the entire house looking for me. That always made me feel loved and special. You would find me and bark and wiggle and strut. You were a little overweight and daddy used to say you “struddled” a combination of strutted and waddled. You struddled. And you did too and with your bushy tail high in the air. It was the cutest thing.

    Every day with you was a blessing, a joy and my pleasure. Being your mommy is the best thing I have ever done. I loved you with all that I had. When friends of mine lost their pets, I grieved with them and I thought of the day that I would lose you and I would cry. I had to quickly get that thought of out my head because it would upset me so much. I always hoped that when it was your time, you would die from being old and natural causes. I did not want you to be sick and suffer. I was mad and probably still am mad at God. I feel that you had a couple more good years ahead of you. I was not ready to say goodbye to you, but then again, I never would be. Who wants to say goodbye to someone so loving, so kind, so trusting, so giving? Not me. Twix, I love you and I miss you more each day.

    You got sick and within a matter of two weeks, you were gone. Saturday, March 3, we were headed to gramma’s house for her birthday and you got a bloody nose. You sneezed and blood would come gushing out. It finally stopped. Later that night when we went to bed, you had a mild seizure and you scared me and daddy and Jenny. You were crying out and you got real stiff for a few minutes. I thought you had a stroke and were paralyzed. I sat on the floor and called you over to me, you finally came. So I knew you were not paralyzed. I called your vet and left a message. They called me back and I brought you in. They said you had a blood clot in your sinuses, but not sure from what. They gave you some meds and kept you for the day and you got better. I came and saw you on my lunch hour, and took you outside and you seemed back to yourself. I thanked God for that. On Wednesday of that week, you got another bloody nose and could not hardly breath. So we went back to the doctor. I carried you in and set you on the counter. You looked up at me and put your head on my chest and looked into my eyes. I could see the pain and sadness in your eyes. I knew something was not right with you. This time a specialist came and saw you. I was told you were going into heart failure and you also had kidney failure. One alone is fatal, and you had both. You started not to eat. I got you some popcorn chicken and you did eat that. You also did eat some vanilla ice cream at times, but that was it. The next week, you spent Tuesday and Wednesday night at the specialist’s office. He was trying to get your heart and kidneys back working. He would not let me see you Tuesday, but I came Wednesday after work and spent an hour with you. It broke my heart to see you hooked up to an IV, the needle in your short, stubby front right leg. You were part Sheltie, part Dachshund. You looked like Lassie, but you had short, stubby legs. You were the cutest thing ever. God how I miss you.

    I got to bring you home on Thursday night, March 15. I carried you inside. You were so weak, you could hardly walk. I slept downstairs on the couch so you would not have to worry about the stairs up to our room. You slept right by me on the floor where you always laid. I took you to gramma’s house on Friday, so she could watch you while I was at work. Daddy picked you up Friday night and took you home. When I got home I laid on the floor with you. You were so sad looking. You could not stand up well. It was as if your back end was paralyzed. You would stand up and fall right back down again. It broke my heart to see my spunky girl struggle the way you did. I laid beside you and told you that it was ok if you wanted to go. I told you if you did not want to fight it, that it was ok. I knew that if you did not get better over the weekend, I would have to take you in and have you put to sleep. I always promised you that I would not let you suffer. I begged God that if He was going to take you to please do it so that I would not have to make that decision. He listened.

    Saturday morning, daddy had to go to work for a couple hours. You were over in the kitchen trying to get into the livingroom by the couch where I was. Daddy picked you up and carried you to me. He told you goodbye, he told me that he knew you would not make it through the day. He told you he loved you and that you were a good ol’ dirl dawg, we always called you that. Daddy also told me he cried, something daddy doesn’t normally do.

    At 8:15 that morning, you coughed and threw up a little. I wiped your mouth off, and gave you a little bit of water to rinse your mouth out. I told you I loved you and it was ok, your ok. I petted your soft fur for a few minutes, and sat back down. About 15 minutes later, I had not heard your tags jingle, or you breathing, so with hesitation, I looked down and you were gone. I knew from the moment I saw you, that you were gone. I screamed and I cried. I laid with you for over an hour telling you I love you over and over. I closed your eyes and just held you. Jenny was scared, the kids were crying. I was a mess. I still am. Daddy came right home and we took you in to the vet’s office to have you cremated. On the way to town the song “I will remember you, will you remember me” played we were all crying. I held you on my lap for that 20 mile trip to town. I had you wrapped up in a blanket and just petted your face. You had a line on each side of your eyes that resembled sunglasses, I always loved that. I just rubbed your precious face and sobbed.

    When I got your remains back, I could not believe that’s all I had left you of. Just a tiny box full of ashes. Where was my baby? Why is she gone? How do I go on without her? These are just a few questions I have.

    Right now, you are sitting on my night stand with a picture and your collar around your urn. Also are your two favorite toys I got from your previous owner. Your little yellow rubber ducky, and your little white bear. When I die, you, your collar, the ducky and the bear will all be buried with me.

    Twix, I miss you so much. My heart aches everyday. I feel so empty and so lost without you. You are not there to greet me when I get home from work. Even when it was 30 below, you sat outside on the sidewalk waiting for me. I don’t hear your tags jingle around the house, I look for you, you are not there. I reach out for you at night, you are not there. To say the words “Twix died” literally makes me sick. It hurts so much. I know you would not want me to be this sad, but how do I say goodbye and let go?

    On March 17, 2007, my baby girl died and so did a part of me. I love you so much and I miss you badly.


    Your mommy

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