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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by dgerb

  1. Thanks for the replys, they mean very much to me, knowing that others are going through the same experience. All of the people around me now have no idea what the pain of this type of loss feels like, can't fault them for that of course. They try and console me but nothing seems to help. Went out to dinner tonight with family, couldn't help thinking of Brandy most of the time, wishing she was sitting next to me.

    I've had a several unexplainable things happening around the house that could be thought of as "signs" from Brandy, but I'm not sure if it's just my wishful thinking. Has anyone else had this type of thing happen? Others have said they've felt her presence, but so far I haven't felt anything.

  2. My wife and soulmate Brandy, the love of my life for seven years died on April 14, 2004. She had a short battle with an aggressive form cancer that was diagnosed on March 1, 2004. Over seven years of being together, there was only one night when we were separated. Brandy worked at home and I was retired, so we were together 24/7. Brandy was in the hospise program for about 2 weeks before she passed away. I know that it has only been a few days since Brandy has passed away and the pain is so strong and sickining. A piece of me is missing and I keep waiting for her to walk around the corner. She's not next to me in bed anymore. Can't have the small talk of day to day living. I can't imagine how to cope with this pain of not being with her anymore. I also feel some guilt during the last days, I was angry with her for giving up hope, not realizing how aggressive the cancer was. Seems like our last days together was focused on keeping her alive and not sharing the last days if her life. Of course at the time I had no idea Brandy would pass away that fast

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