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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Ande

  1. Of my letting my Furever Friend go. Here is a link to her Memorial on Critters.com http://critters.com/main.php?action=view&m...=1193&page_no=1

    I miss her so very much, but I have to say I have NEVER thought about her on Monday morning at 11:48 which is the time she left me...(I am really thankful for that)....Today was the only time that all of a sudden it hit me as I drove to Hobby Lobby...I looked at the clock in the car and it was 11:48. When I composed myself and went into the store, I went to the scrapbooking section to the stickers and there was a sheet of stickers that had this poem on it:

    Fluffy Beds

    and endless treats.

    Gates to guard,

    new friends to meet.

    Long slow walks

    and petting hands.

    Safe with God in

    Dog Heaven.

    Thank you God or Copper, which ever one it was that lead me to this sign of your happiness...I have had other signs here and there too that are very subtle but I know it is my Furever Friend telling me she is healthy and happy. Check our her site on Critters...one of the signs is the Ornament I found the day after she died. I pray that all of you will find peace.

  2. I know exactly what you are going through with your Furever Friend. Copper too had bone cancer in her right front leg. (Here is her page on Critters)


    It was just a devistating time. The VERY hardest time I have ever known. We lost our 4mo old grandson to SIDS and I was absolutly shocked to find that losing Copper was just as hard and even worse in alot of ways...It helped ALOT to have alot of people tell me that that is normal...these Furry kids are perpetual children untill they turn into the equal to our elderly grandparents and they are always our responsibility.

    Everyone told me I would know when it was time....that she would let me know...I have to say she did not. She ate and was her normal bright eyed waggy tailed ears up kid she had always been. She did have a hard time hopping to the area she used for her bathroom...but would sit down and watch her street for awhile and then go on. She was happy I know....we decided to treat her with pain meds...Tramodyl and Rymadyl...so I never saw any evidence of pain. We decided she was too old (13) for Chemo or amputation. Her vet said she would have a better quality of life for longer on pain meds and he was right. She was with us for 9mo after her diagnosis...I asked her vet if he would come to the house when it was time and he said yes...he and Copper had gone through alot over the last 13 years. I had her cremated and she sits here on my Computer hutch in her beautiful carved box.

    The last 3 weeks of her life she developed a lump on her leg and the last week it grew so fast...seemed to almost be able to see it grow and finally the last week it stretched the skin to the maximum and I knew I had to let her go...Her vet said it would have burst and that would have been a nightmare for all of us...He said tho that she did not seem to be in pain so that is a blessing..I wonder...did I do it too soon...did I wait too long...I just can't let myself think about it...I felt I betrayed her since she was so happy and alert and normal mentally. But on the other hand...I would not have wanted her to be in pain or sad. We can only do what we feel is right. She deserves to be happy and pain free and enjoying herself. I know she is and I know we will be together forever one day...I am prying for your strength and courage and peace in the days and weeks to come...I hope and pray you have alot of time left to make good memories and take good pictures and love him every min. Please email me caja@srt.com if you would like to talk...I always have an ear or a shoulder if you need it...Carol

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