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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by carol

  1. Thank you for describing how crazy this feels-

    I just lost my sister after a painful battle and I keep looking back at everything we tried and second guessing, and regretting all the large and small indignities and losses she suffered on her way. It feels like my life was just cut in half- into "before- with her" and "all the rest ahead-without her" My parents are very religious and are comforted in their faith but I feel like God has some serious explaining to do!

    Thank you again and my best wishes to you- carol

  2. My sister died only a few weeks ago and I just want her back. Maybe that's selfish- She had been suffering for a couple of years now with a freaking genetic disorder that causes nerve damage and pain, but we just kept thinking she would get better. She was only 37 and left 3 sons, one of whom also has the disease, Porphyria. It seems so unfair and still unreal, and I've never felt so alone in my life. I just numb out and go about the day and then suddenly "wake up" and realize i'm doing laundry and she's dead.

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