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Posts posted by BrinnJ21

  1. I am very sorry for your loss and know exactly how you feel. It has been almost 2 months since I had to put my dog, Wolfgang down. He was 12 years old and developed some sort of a spinal problem. The doctor said that maybe it was a tumor or a disc pressing on a nerve, but he became a quaderapalegic and couldn't get up to, he just laid there staring at me wondering what was wrong. I took him to the vet again and they said that there was a surgery they could attempt, but it was very risky and if he survived the surgery there was a risk that he could develop pnenomia and then he would have to go through more suffering. They told me that putting him to sleep was the humane thing to do, so I went ahead and did it because I couldn't bear to watch him suffer anymore. Sometimes there is nothing that you could have done to have saved him. Be gentle to yourself and think of all the good times that you shared with him. This is what I did and it really helped. Another thing that helps to heal is time. Share good memories with friends and keep his spirt alive by rememerbing him when he was healthy. Know that he is out of his pain and in a better place. You are in my thoughts and prayers, BrinnJ21

  2. I just need someone to talk to. I had to put my dog down tonight, and it was one of the hardest things that I have ever done. He was 12 years old, but I got him from the humane society and have had him for about 9 years. He was the most gentle spirit. He loved other dogs and had a heart of gold. Whenever I cried he licked the teardrops off my cheeks. I miss him so much and he has only been gone for 5 hours. I don't know how I am going to make it through the day tomorrow. Before I went to the vet, I left work so distraught that I couldn't even type. When I got to the vet they asked me if I wanted to be in the room with him. I said "yes." After they gave him the injection he died in my arms and I left the vet barely able to drive. I didn't want to have to let him go or have to make the decision. He had arthritis, but was still able to move about. He took Duramax for the pain. Then suddenly, about five days ago, he couldn't get up and had lost control of his motor functions. His legs became crippled and he whinned. When he went to the vet they gave him some Prednisone, and said that if it didn't take effect in a couple of days that it would be humane to put him down. I didn't like the idea of parting with my friend, but I couldn't bear to watch him suffer anymore. The vet said that it was probably something in his spine, either a disc or a tumor, which caused him to deteriorate so quickly, but the chances of a successful surgery were slim and even then he is an old dog.

    Anyways I just need some coping solutions. Thanks, BrinnJ21

    P.S. I modified this so that I could receive replies, it should work now. Let me know if it doesn't. Thanks!

  3. I just need someone to talk to. I had to put my dog down tonight, and it was one of the hardest things that I have ever done. He was 12 years old, but I got him from the humane society and have had him for about 9 years. He was the most gentle spirit. He loved other dogs and had a heart of gold. Whenever I cried he licked the teardrops off my cheeks. I miss him so much and he has only been gone for 5 hours. I don't know how I am going to make it through the day tomorrow. Before I went to the vet, I left work so distraught that I couldn't even type. When I got to the vet they asked me if I wanted to be in the room with him. I said "yes." After they gave him the injection he died in my arms and I left the vet barely able to drive. I didn't want to have to let him go or have to make the decision. He had arthritis, but was still able to move about. He took Duramax for the pain. Then suddenly, about five days ago, he couldn't get up and had lost control of his motor functions. His legs became crippled and he whinned. When he went to the vet they gave him some Prednisone, and said that if it didn't take effect in a couple of days that it would be humane to put him down. I didn't like the idea of parting with my friend, but I couldn't bear to watch him suffer anymore. The vet said that it was probably something in his spine, either a disc or a tumor, which caused him to deteriorate so quickly, but the chances of a successful surgery were slim and even then he is an old dog.

    Anyways I just need some coping solutions. Thanks, BrinnJ21

  4. Mamacat:

    Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you are going through. I had to put my dog down tonight and it was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. I too, have been working a lot and then had a vacation. My dog, Wolfgang, was 12 years old. I saved him from the humane society when he was three and have had him ever since. I felt a deep bond and connected with him. He had arthritis in his legs but was taking Duramax for the pain. When I returned from vacation he couldn' t walk at all. The vet gave him some Predisone, and said if it didn't help he should be put down. I tried it for a few days but there was no improvement. I kept praying that he would just get up and start walking, but he just laid there, staring up at me. When I took him into the vet they told me that it was the humane thing to do. He died in my arms. I have been crying for about 4 hours now and don't know how I am going to go to work tomorrow. Everytime I walk outside to my car or into the garage I can picture where he used to lay and that makes it even harder. The only way I have to console myself is to tell myself that at least he is no longer suffering. Anyways, I know what you are going through. Hang in there! If you need anyone to talk to, I'll listen.


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