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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by kaumaha

  1. I am feeling so lonely now as I lost my mother who was 80 years old in an auto accident in which the other driver left the scene. She was a wonderful understanding person who would help anyone if she could.

    Last year in October I was diagnosed with Tongue Cancer and had surgery for it, then in january of this year I started chemo then both chemo and radiation at the end of January which lasted for 6 weeks. During the radiation stage I had such god awful pain in my mouth and throat and she was there to comfort and help me in the best way she could. Since thenI have had other medical problems and the latest was that I got shingles in my right ear, those of you who have had shigles will know that the pain is so awful and makes one unable to do anything except to lay in bed. I received a fractured sturnum in the accident so it is like having double the pain now too.

    Anyway to cut it short she has been my life for her 80 years, since we were extremely close and there is now a huge void being alone in the house and my life. At times I wish I was the one who had died in the accident. There is a lot more I would like to say but I can't think well enough at the moment.

    Thank you for letting me vent my frustrations.

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