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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by lisam

  1. hello, i just lost my beloved 8 year old rottweiller named abbey. she was my baby, spoled in every way-when i got her from the pound she was about 1/2 years old in 2001. anyway, she never wanted or nedded for anything. she prefered staying in bed, or lounged on the couch more than anything!!!

    well, it started off like any other day-i was getting ready for work, and my neighbor came over for coffee. he brought abbey (who he dearly loved) and my cocker spaniel steak bones-i rarely let her have those in her life, and i don't know why that morning, i let her, and i thought it would make her happy. when i left for work, it seemed she was fine, i said i love you guys, see you after work. came home to abbey on the kitchen floor and couldn't move, i stuck my hand down her throat to see if anything was there,, there wasn't, so i called my neighbor frantically to help me carry her to the car-he managed the stregnth to hold all 110 lbs of her and i drove like mad to the vet-they tried to calm me down by telling me she would be ok-they gave her valium and took her back to x-ray-within a 1/2 hour, she died. they had given her oxygen because she had a piece of bone lodged in the begining of her stomach, and she was wasn't getting enough air. i am sick over her suffering-how could i not know? how could i go to work? how did i not know? oh, my god i can hardly make it through my days. i've cried so hard so long, i've tried to imagine her there, why didn't i know? oh, god, please let me know she's ok, and tell her how sorry i am-i will love her always and forever, and i just got her ashes saturday-i will bury her with me. i just want my dog back, it hurts so much without her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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